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This is to anyone out there that is in Haidong Gumdo, and/or Tang soo do.

Myself, I am a first degree in both arts, I am from Charlotte Nc, if anyone has any questions just right back.... [/b]TANG SOO!!!

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i've studied a lot of tsd

i haven't taken gumdo but I have studied quite extensively with weapons, especially the katana....yep I know, Japanese, not Korean.....

but then again, the forms of tsd come from Japanese karate....so no harm no foul

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger


yes I see, I respect the japanese sword very,

the art that you take what is the name of it? IF you do take japanese sword art, are you considered a Samuari? Koreans consider themselves Samurang....ancient warriors..i will have to win the world championship in korea 2006.. to achieve the rank Samurang..


You can achieve the rank of samurang? Is there any way to earn the title of samurai? I didn't know that it was considered a rank now and not a class of people or office/job.

O Sensei said that everyone has a defined sphere of strength and if you can get them outside that sphere then their strength will disappear. I say, EXPAND YOUR SPHERE!


if you win the world championship in Korea,( that is every 2 years) yes, you are then considered a Samurang...i dont know about the japanese because im not....i go to korea to achieve that goal in july of 2006....

if you want any info conserning haidong gumdo send me a message thank you for your time


nope, no samurai here....I've just studied the katana with many of the karate classes that I have taken, along with the classic japanese weapons, and also in my mdk tkd class

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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