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what does the martial art you follow teach you over all and help you with in life, and even more what does it ultimatly mean to you?

just a oportunity to really express your feelings about ART.

to me it is something beautiful created and creative. something that could save my life. something to give me satisfaction of life and love of the oxygen my lungs take in. something amazing i can carry with me no matter where i go. and i will probably add more in later.

"keep death in mind"

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Hey fighter not a lover.....lol you are really getting around hehe..

Anyways Martial Arts to me orginaly was just a way to stay fit, but as I got higher in rank I began to get serious. I think that most students jump into it to be cool. learn something fun and neat, or for exercise. I know alot of very dedicated people that will tell you they got into it at first because they were even bored!!!!!!

But it has taught me convidence and the meaning values of family and friendship. Our area has some dojos coming together in a friendship like pact and we meet often and do demonstrations at each others dojos for hours and then go cook out and have fun the rest of the day.

To me community and learning how to be a good citizen was gained.

I also am learning to take MA serious and craving to learn more now.

I do Karate and some other MMA

I love miniture dogs.

I hate olives, cheerleaders and telemarketers

what does the martial art you follow teach you over all and help you with in life, and even more what does it ultimatly mean to you?

You won't get many replies because this has been done 1000 times. But I will answer anyways.

What Martial Arts has taught me.

Self confidence, Awareness, Controlling my attacker, Learning to defend myself, and in rare occasions fight off those insulting and attacking my friends or family.

I don't follow that idea of "do no harm" Because it's not orginal or traditional and I have yet to see any example of that idea from any ancient masters of the Japanese system I follow. I believe that with great power comes even greater responsability. I see many Martial Artists who don't improve thier community, or help out those less fortunate.

I am well known in my Community in South Point, Ohio. I contribute a honour system and alot of people look up to me as an example to follow. I make sure that I learn a lesson in life everyday, and I am an Instructor at my Dojo following behind a Grandmaster who I reveal as a Legend in Martial Arts. I wouldn't give up my trainer for anyone past, or present who know of Martial Arts.

Each time I win sparring sessions and get a big head my Grandmaster beats me around and shows me that my skill is nothing compared to his.

I believe in learning to be deceptive and smart in any battle or fight.

To become the greatest warrior, one needs to train beyond the physical and into the spiritual becoming supernatural. It is then that the warrior will know that he is indeed not the greatest, but just awakened.


[. I make sure that I learn a lesson in life everyday, and I am an Instructor at my Dojo following behind a Grandmaster who I reveal as a Legend in Martial Arts. I wouldn't give up my trainer for anyone past, or present who know of Martial Arts.

Yeah your Grandmaster is a Legend, I admire him too and wish I would have studied under him too :-? But atleast I have trained under him some.

I do Karate and some other MMA

I love miniture dogs.

I hate olives, cheerleaders and telemarketers

[. I make sure that I learn a lesson in life everyday, and I am an Instructor at my Dojo following behind a Grandmaster who I reveal as a Legend in Martial Arts. I wouldn't give up my trainer for anyone past, or present who know of Martial Arts.

Yeah your Grandmaster is a Legend, I admire him too and wish I would have studied under him too :-? But atleast I have trained under him some.

LOL are you sucking up to me Superchick? If I could I would train with you but I can't you know the rules of our secrecy =p

To become the greatest warrior, one needs to train beyond the physical and into the spiritual becoming supernatural. It is then that the warrior will know that he is indeed not the greatest, but just awakened.



Grandmaster John Casarez.

I also was taught under Grandmaster Bob Edwards

Do a google search under either name....

our website has info on them too...its a little flashy and somewhat braggy about our system. In our area we do demos with other schools. They know we are good and challenges come and go. You wouldnt believe me if I told you some of the challengers and what happened at our school.

We take MA serious and treat it as ancient MA would.

But Super Chick is bragging on us too much.....sorry for that.

Superchick people get upset when you brag...even if someone else does it for you ok *winks*

To become the greatest warrior, one needs to train beyond the physical and into the spiritual becoming supernatural. It is then that the warrior will know that he is indeed not the greatest, but just awakened.



Sorry......I will just talk to you about that stuff in Personal Tells and I won't brag on your school sorry. :( :karate:

I do Karate and some other MMA

I love miniture dogs.

I hate olives, cheerleaders and telemarketers


Well, to start off im a believer that the only true and attainable wealth is knowledge and to me martial arts is a knowledge that is going to be my legacy to my daughter and any other children I have, and in the future, they have. Im only 21 now and my knowledge will cont. to grow and then grow through her. just as my Sifu's knowledge grows through me.

There is no teacher but the enemy.


I find it very difficult to determine what i obtained from the martial arts, other than injuries and a lot of damage skills. I am not sure whether, without the martial arts, i would have ventured into studying beliefs, communications, human behavior, anatomy, or all the other things that the arts touch upon. Because of this, i don't feel 'comfortable' giving the martial arts credit for my simply growing up.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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