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advice on how to continue training, please reply


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ok guys, this may be long, but I need to tell you whats going on and get some input. I am currently training in Okinawan Shorin Ryu, and my sensei has me going toa tae kwon do guy he knows for supllemental sparring, conditioning etc. I am testing for my balck belt in Shorin Ryu soo, then my sensei is retiring to pusue politics.

now heres the deal..i am currently driving an hour away to go to these 2 instructors. I am split on what to do when my Shorin Ryu sensei retires. In order to continue Shorin Ryu, I'd have to drivce to another sensei, very world reknown, but its 2 hours away. thing is they only really do extensive kata analyisis. also, theres a karate club at a local university. no style per se but everyone works out together, spars, etc. only thing with this is, I have graduated from that school and will have to see if they let alumni workout. my other option, resume tae kwon do and work on my shorin ryu katas at home, with no advancement in shorin ryu for the time being. with this, I could research and find a new school where I live as opposed to driving so far. with work and a family, the distance takes its toll.

not really sure what to do at this point. kind of confused and frustrated. any advice would be most appreciated. thank you.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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It would be hard to give advice here.

You have to do what you are able to do in a given situation, IE finances, driving, ETC.

I would suggest that you decide what you like best, tae kwan do or shorin-ryu and find a way to pursue it.

If you asked me to guess your intent from your post, it seems that shorin-ryu is what you like best.

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Shorin ryu is defintely my art of choice. I'm just at a disadvantage because no one around teaches it.

heres what i'm leaning on doing. continuing to drive an hour away and work on tae kwon do. prices are cheaper ithere than incharlotte, plus the instructor there was referred to me by my shorin ryu instructor. contact the guy in 2 hours away and go and work with him maybe once a month.

then if i can sign uo with that club i college, work out with those guys to gety some suplemental sparring in.

one advantage about driving an hour away is my family lives there and it has been nice t see my mom and dad brothers and niece on such a regular basis.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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If I could and I were you I would spend as much time working with the world renown guy as possible. I have a hunch on who that might be and you won't regret the time you work with him. While sparring with Tae Kwon Do guys might be fun in my mind I'd be afraid of developing mixed habbits that won't translate well into Shorin-ryu. The karate club sounds like a great place to spar anyways. It would also probably be good for working out when you don't want to drive two hours, and comparing info. I would suggest that you drop the Tae Kwon Do, spend as much time as you can with the other Shorin-ryu Sensei and spar/work out when convenient with the guys at the university. Just my two cents.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Well the tae kwon do also has a background in Okinawan Karate. my shorin ryu snesei has me going used to fight with him years agao and he is very credible.

i think i'ver kind of made my mind up to work out at mr. perry's in hendersonville a couple of times a month (2 hours away). then work at the tae kwon do once a week because I enjoy it and he is very good, and well rounded. I spoke to the karate club at UNCC and since I am alumni and told them my situation (and will make a good donation to their club), will be able to work out with them for suplemental training. I kind of think that will give me an all around training. I dont see any bad habits forming, just able to learn a brooader range of techniques offensively and defensively. i'll work something out, i still have a couple of months. thank you for your input.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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I agree with Sauzin, also I would use the free time to perfect everything and hammer on everything over and over again that you have already learned.

There is no teacher but the enemy.

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oh definietely. i always do something on my off days.

i feel too many people these days only feel like they have to practice in a classroom. i do martial arts related something daily.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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oh definietely. i always do something on my off days.

i feel too many people these days only feel like they have to practice in a classroom. i do martial arts related something daily.

Ouch, If I came to class without practicing between classes, I'd hear about it big time from my Sensei. I know I really have to work hard to make sure that I improve each week and that's working out on my own 5 days a week and taking 2 or 3 classes. I can't imagine going to class without doing anything.

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