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The Myths & Realities of The Knife


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So this guy is coming at me with such a stupid attack? Oh, this is really easy. I don't even bother with the stupid knife and as soon as I see his ******ed arm(what is this guy a special olympics competitor?) raise up I unleash a very fast, very strong kick(with either leg) either under his jaw, into his sternum, or better yet to his lame groin. After which I don't stop. I continue to kick either at his head(unless his hands are holding his broken jaw), his weak stomach, or if I didn't kick him in the gonads, I'd kick him there now. Maybe, a big MAYBE, I might decide to punch him at the crease of the jaw shattering it. If my attacker was that stupid I would laugh, mock him profusely, then proceed to beat his lame butt into the earth.


Hope that helps.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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This is why I was reluctant to start this thread in the 1st place. I bow down to your deadly efficiency "Martial_Artist" - you must truly be an awesome warrior.


I bet no grappler could take you down either huh?




2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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Amazing. Guess what. No grappler ever has either. I don't train for show or contest. I train to win the fight. In reality there are no rules or guidlines or anything remotely coherent. If I have to bite, poke, claw, punch, kick, break bones, etc to get out I do it. In defense of self and others there is no round two. If your opponent cheats and manages to kill you your sensei is not present to call foul and restart the match. You're dead. The people you try to protect may die. You know what I write like that to get people to respond, those that feel the sting the most. I'm not invincible but I know what I'm capable of and sometimes that confidence threatens others.


You asked a question. I answered as honestly as possible. It has nothing to do with being full of myself. It is truth. I have been attacked with knives before and not once has any of those attackes EVER tried to attack me in that manner. It's foolish. It only happens in movies or in McDojos. I gave a REAL response flavored with raw character. I apologize if it's a bit too raw for your liking.


Yes. A man attacks with that specific attack and I would do exactly as I wrote, or I might change it. I would still have the same attitude about it afterward. The guy was an idiot to even try a knife attack like that and obviously has never tried to kill anyone with a knife before.


I think the way schools train against that kind of knife attack is a robbery and deception to the student. Preparing them for something unrealistic and impractical. The movments taught to defend against them are pointless. They require your opponent to be mentally challenged and just stand there and you perfom some complex inefficient series of moves.


My post was completely realistic and based on true physical form and physics. If had no bearing as to whether I was invincible or not(which I whole heartedly admit I am not).


If my answer didn't fit into your criteria for a correct answer then i failed your test, but I passed the test of reality.


One last thing. If someone was stupid enough to raise his arm up to attack you would you not see it coming? Why on earth then would you even bother to try and grab the knife when it would be so much better to kick him first?


Relax. You don't know me. You don't know what I know. It is best to think and learn more from someone than to make an assumption and come across as an idiot.


I had read some of your other posts and was beginning to think you mature in the martial arts. I have now been proven wrong.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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if i was the knife fighter againts martial artist. in a right hand stance i'd cut the fang against his leg as it comes up against me. (cut the side of his leg). then switch grip to a foward grip of the knife. while he is getting to the reaction of getting cut. and stab in the motion of switching grip.


hey guys heres a training tool to train with knife fights http://www.nolieblades.com i think i got the link right. it is a knife with a felt backing that you coat with lipstick to know where you have struck against someone.

Edited by Athorn4941
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Ok - you make many wild assumptions about what I posted & why I posted it.


A few questions...


1. "Relax. You do not know me" ------ Don't worry, I'm relaxed, whether I know you or not.


2. Where did I say he raises his arm or that I would try to grab the knife? I used an example of the type of attack that I know is widely practiced against. It was a starting point - a point of reference for future discussion - I agree with your assessment of it - why the confrontational tone of your post? There's no need for it.


3. "I had read some of your other posts and was beginning to think you mature in the martial arts. I have now been proven wrong." ----- I've been training in the arts for the last 23 of my 39 years - I'm mature enough to include details of who I am & where I can be found in my profile. You?


I believe we are more alike than you realise - why not drop the macho chest thumping and try to add some constructive & mature critique instead?






2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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I got some more info on this post.


1. when trying to get away you must keep an extreme eye on the knife attacker and your environment. keep using your movement so you can get away. try not to ever turn your back at him either this gives him a chance to stab you without seeing.


2. In an actual knife fighting scenaro you must keep your distance and know when to close in. If you time these even a hundreths of second off your a fish out of water.


3. Be careful about actually cometting to the knife fight you never know how good this guy is with a knife. if he is experience he will cut you on return, reverse, and reflex actions.



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I haven't had any formal knife training.. always thought a crescent kick would be nice for knocking the knife out of their hand though.. If a guy has a knife like that, he's most likely only going to be thinking about one weapon - the knife. I'd try to avoid getting cut by the knife at all costs, then look for a way to disarm him when he's off balance, or hesitates for a moment.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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If the guy is only going to use the knife and neglect all his other weapons, then the person without the knife should win because he's going to be thinking with a helluva lot more weapons, he's gonna be thinking fists, elbows, knees, kicks, headbut.


Also takes guts to stab someone, depending on the person I guess. A lot of people would be shocked when they actually do stab someone because they weren't really expecting a fight, they were expecting more submission and whatever they said complied with.



It takes sacrifice to be the best.

There are always two choices, two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

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In retrospect I see my message did come across very confrontational. It wasn't really my intent to seem as if I wanted to pick a fight with you. However, you did push some buttons with your assumptions about me as well.(ie grappling...) But I don't think that it's worth getting all riled up over.


I have a different way of presenting information and sometimes it comes across as arrogant. In fact, it is arrogant, but that's just my way of writing.


I don't give information out over web boards like this. Call me paranoid or whatever just never have nor most likely will I ever. Suffice it to say I live in the Western US. But just returned from living abroad in Southeast Asia for 4 years.


I enjoy the macho chest thumping(kinda returning my evolutional roots if you will) Actually I do it for the way people react to it. Now let's get on with te topic at hand.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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