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Help on a white belter!


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I'm new in karate and I'm new here.. so I hope people will appreciate me here.. :D i know little about grappling, jijitsu, muay thai and karate.. I am currently focused on karate.. What could you recommend for a white belter likke me? :D

Think of your hands and feets as a sword, just don't apply it on foods.

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Hello Oss , what karate style do you do ????

What i recommend for you is : Never quit training .

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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i think i can be of some help since i just got my gold belt last week so yeah. m advice practice ur basics every day pay attention to you sensei(s). Try hard in class.

this is a new name for me here i used to be karateka477 but had some problem logging so iwas like i want back in so new username.

Do not follow me I may not always lead, do not lead I may not follow, just walk beside me and be my friend-unknown

"A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person's brow." Charles Brower

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Thanks for the advices its really helpful.. and what do you mean about karate styles? is it shitoryu karate? by the way I'm just at the I thingy where you go to the left with left leg 1st then low block then outside block then right kick then right punch and so on.. i think u know what I'm saying.. well practice makes perfect and all people (karate) starts with white belt.. hoo boy.. :dodgy: ,

some extra favor: could you teach me please some karate words like.. wel.. Oss.. ichi.. san.. etc.

thanks l :)

Think of your hands and feets as a sword, just don't apply it on foods.

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My suggestions to new martial arts students is to not worry to much about things. Try your best, but don't feel that you're not very good because others are much better at your art than you. Many have years of training and have worked hard to get there. We've all been white belts (even the highest black belts).

Also, read all you can. Make friends, have a good time, and practice, practice, practice.

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well, I'm just afraid of tests.. hihi.. but could someone teach me some advance stuffs so I will get an extra belt?

Think of your hands and feets as a sword, just don't apply it on foods.

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well, I'm just afraid of tests.. hihi.. but could someone teach me some advance stuffs so I will get an extra belt?

I know the feeling. I hate tests. But that's the way things are done in most schools, dojos, etc. I would suggest, if you can, watch a test if there is one before yours. Then practice, practice, practice. When you're not practicing and have a few minutes, do some visualization. Close your eyes, picture the test, and then picture yourself doing the kata, drills, etc for your test. Picture yourself doing well and passing the test. Do this over and over as much as you can before the test. Then when you actually test, TRY to relax and remember that you've passed the test many times already (in your head), so the only issue is going through the formalities.

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Cool the only problems left is how to cure muscle and body pains in one hour and some extra moves.. haI!

Think of your hands and feets as a sword, just don't apply it on foods.

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I do not think anyone on the board should really teach you advanced moves. I mean they can help you if you are having a problem with a certain strike or kata, but not if you are completly new to a kata or something. This is because at the dojo I attend, Shihan says it is very disrespectful to teach other people without his permission, and plus they might not know it very well and you could pick up bad habits.

Anyways, with that said, welcome to the board, and to the huige world of Martial Arts. Like it was said above, never quit training, and well have fun. Good luck, and dont worry about skipping belts or tests because the true value of Martial Arts is not your belt colour, but of you, yourself have become a better person.

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