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In this area people talk alot about Chi, Ki, ande things like that, but i feel one of the most important i guess spiritual practices that people dont talk about is the killers intent's which basically what you use almost everyday when you have a bad day for example and can stop a fight before it happens i basically want to know what everyone's opinion or experience with sakki

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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Uh...sakki like rice wine? Umm...good stuff but it kind of sneaks up on you. Never misjudge a good bottle of sakki or you will regret it later. :D

No seriously though you need to be more specific if you're talking about intent. Perhaps you could give an example and list your definition of intent and what you think can or cannot be done.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.


Yeah, I don't knowe what you mean. At first I thought it was going to be a thread about sake. ;) Rice wine is pretty good sometimes!


ummm i mean the intent to kill you opponent during a fight thinking of the most horrid thing that you can do to them :kaioken: i guess your fight mode

and yes sake is good

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"


Mmmm…so you’re talking about malicious intent but what is your question? I heard you mention “stopping a fight before it actually happens” and I’m wondering what you are fishing for there. You see in my opinion, malicious intent rarely ends a fight before it begins. Occasionally you scare away the easily shaken but those aren’t really the guys you need to worry about in the first place. Most of the time, with adrenalin running and tensions high, malicious intent will only encourage an escalation of the situation.

Now I don’t want to get too meta-physical on you unless you really want to go there but I know of at least one art that encourages using black, ugly, and nasty malicious indent in a strike to cause a KO or death. If you’re talking about doing that I would suggest that you are a bit nuts. I don’t know if you believe in karma or not but to intentionally project such bad intent for pretty much any reason only makes the debt greater. Even if you don’t believe in karma you must understand that even practicing such crud isn’t healthy, let alone using it.

Intent is potentially a huge discussion if you broaden it past this small scope though. Use of intent, sensing of intent, and manipulation of intent are sometimes considered the very highest level of an art. But it is such a broad area of discussion you will have to ask more specific questions before I go there.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.


sorry, never heard of it

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."


Not to belittle it with an analogy but Sakki is like spider sense right? I only caught a brief mention of the name in a book but it's being sensitive to when you are in danger right? Now are you practicing Sakki when you're aware of danger or are you aware of your opponents Sakki when you feel threatened?

Forgive my ignorance but I'm pretty sure I've been practicing this in training but didn't know there was a name for it.

O Sensei said that everyone has a defined sphere of strength and if you can get them outside that sphere then their strength will disappear. I say, EXPAND YOUR SPHERE!

  • 2 weeks later...

saki saki five dollar?

earth is the asylum of the universe where the inmates have taken over.

don't ask stupid questions and you won't get stupid answers.

  sdargie said:
Not to belittle it with an analogy but Sakki is like spider sense right? I only caught a brief mention of the name in a book but it's being sensitive to when you are in danger right? Now are you practicing Sakki when you're aware of danger or are you aware of your opponents Sakki when you feel threatened?

Forgive my ignorance but I'm pretty sure I've been practicing this in training but didn't know there was a name for it.

yup thats it in a nutshell

White belt for life

"Destroy the enemies power but leave his life"

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