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What mantras do you use in meditation? Should one focus on a single mantra, or a lot of different mantras? Do you know of any mantras that are considered self-activating ("incessant prayer")- as in, you repeat it constantly in daily life and it eventually takes hold within and works on it's own?

Thank you!

The Hidy Ochiai Foundation: http://www.hidyochiai.org/

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Yoga focus' alot on Mantras so does buddhsim and toaism i was reading in a book talked about Mantras

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The idea of meditation is to limit your thoughts. Concentrating or trying to concentrate on a mantra in a foreign language or from a foreign culture will get you thinking about a lot, like a new toy so it will be counterproductive. Concentrate on something very familiar and mundane like your breath. If you must use a mantra stick to something simple like OM. It has a nice relaxing deep resonance about the sound. Only use a buddhist or hindu mantra if you know what they mean and why you are using them.

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well as to the previose post i agree some what that you chould only chant if you know what it means but i believe that chanting is very helpful if you understand what you are chanting

well when i meditate i like to start off with about 15min of zazen (limiting your thoughs and concentrating on breath) then about 30min of chanting mantras then back to 15min of zazen.

here are some mantras if your interested :)

Om mana padma hum (praise to the jewel in the lotus)

let all beings be happy where ever they are weak or strong tall short or medium small or large let all beings without exception be happy beings seem or unseen those who are near and those who are far away those who are born and those who are yet to be born let all beings be happy.

there are lots more but they are really long and hard to remember and i would not want to post wrong info. :)

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Om mana padma hum (praise to the jewel in the lotus)


Let me correct you here please:

Ohm Mani Padme Hum (mantra of the Avalokiteshvara)

The only difference is about a couple of the vocals which were not spelled correctly. You must produce a good and deep vibration that extends to your entire body vibrate when chanting the mantra in order to to loosen up yourself and allow the primordial spirit to be shine nice and wide and receive cosmic light.

An alternative mantra is the following:

Ohm Borulan Zheli

This mantra is very good for protecting yourself against evil and misfortune in life as long as your bad karma has been cleared out. When saying it imagine ared light is coming out of your throat and envolving you as a protective shield. Good results are dependant upon effective visualisation of the protective red light, faith and doing good deeds and getting rid of the ego (basically follow the noble eightfold path http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/bps/misc/waytoend.html).


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