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Hapkido/Taekwondo testing

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What would be a reasonable amount to pay for testing? I have just recently found out that I will pay $60 including testing, certificates, and belt. I was just curious to compare with the rest of you.

<-----------the art of people folding!

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Usually for gup ranks it will be equivalent to one months tuition payment or less.

I have paid anywhere from 35-100 dollars in the past, it will really depend on the instructor. I have seen some instructors offer lower monthly tuition rates and make up a bit in the promotion fees, and I have seen the reverse of a high monthly

payment and a very low promotion fee. Also expect the fees to increase gradually as you increase in rank.

Fees for DAN grades are done differently, the rule of thumb seems to be around 100-150 per grade. Usually something like this: 100 cho-dan, 200 ee-dan, 300 sam-dan, etc. Again, this depends greatly on the instructor and association you belong to. If your association requires a formal testing board, sometimes the fees get higher because you have to pay the high DAN grades who sit in on your board, etc.

Good luck with your training


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Depends on which belt you are going for and which org. Some smaller places don't charge much at all. My tkd school used to charge about 25 bucks for the lower belts at black belt it was 165. But some places charge 500 dollars for 1st dan. If this is like 60USD for yellow belt I would say that's a little steep and if you decided to do it you should find out what the testing fees are up til black belt.

Long Live the Fighters!

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thank u guys. there is always, however, the question of etiquette. would i ask the instructor how much i would pay for my black belt now only a few weeks into training or would that be a bit disrespectful to be so confident in my progress? the school is only eight months old so there are no black belt students around to ask, and so far, up to green belt(highest rank so far), they have all told me $60 is the fee.

<-----------the art of people folding!

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As far as etiquette, any good instructor should be able to tell you what any and all fees are at present, without having anything to hide.

I would find a time to talk to your instructor one on one, and simply say something along the lines of:

"I've heard that as rank increases, belt testing fees also increase, particularly at black belt, and I am a little concerened as to whether I will be able to afford it. Can you give me an idea of what belt testinf fess will cost all the way up to black belt?"

You may meet some resistance, or double-talk at this point...which is fairly normal. Most instructors would like you to be more focused on your training than what future costs are involved. However, you need to be firm and let him know that you need this information.

If he outright refuses to tell you, or pretends not to know...personally I'd say you have a problem.

Also, as others have pointed out already, 60 dollars may be expensive, or about right. If you are paying $100 or more in tuition each month, I'd say it's a little on the high side. I'f you're paying $50 or less per month, I wouldn't complain about the test fee, personally, as you're getting a heck of a deal on the training itself.

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If he outright refuses to tell you, or pretends not to know...personally I'd say you have a problem.

TangSooGuy is right. While testing fees are understandable, no fees should be hidden from students and prospective students. You have every right to know what it will cost you down the road if you continue to train there.

I charge $90/month for training, testing fees are $50 for colored belts and $100 for black belts. All fees and other potential costs (sparring gear, uniforms, etc) are outlined in the orientation package that I give to new students.


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Whats scary is not just that some schools will say it will cost about 4000 dollars to reach black belt...but that some people will plunk down that sum up front for ridiculously long contracts.

Long Live the Fighters!

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I don`t take $60.00 for expensive, wt belt, wtf`s certs and examination.

Knowing that you going to do it (if i got it fine) in an external doyang, not where you learn.

But, like some said, if the school refuses to inform you, there`s must be a problem.

Live your day as it is the last, think like gonna live forever.

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