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Problem with another martial artist (Updated)


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There's a guy, who I will call "John" who is a member of my church. He has done Aikido, TKD, and TSD. He's late 20s or early 30s. He always does joint locking techniques on me if we shake hands, and if I refuse to shake his hand, he threatens me. He also keeps taking me down. I always "tap out" the sencond he touches me, and he calls me a chicken. He's about 6'2" and 200 pounds, so I wouldn't even dream of trying to fight back. I try to stay away, but guess what the announcement was today? "John is going to be helping out with the high school's Sunday school." What to do?

Edited by ShotokanKid

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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1) How old are you? Edit: You're 14! If he does it again, definitely report him. A 30ish man has absolutely no right harming a 14-year-old kid. He sounds like a real winner...

2) Just don't shake his hand. If he attempts to hit you or something else report him to the police. People can't just go putting random joint locks on other people.

Or you could just say "it's not very Christian of you to be hurting someone smaller and younger than yourself for no reason" since he's helping with Sunday school.

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Thanks Enviroman

Anybody else?

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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Actually, I just reread your post and it made me even more mad...I know going to the police might seem rash but what else should a teenager go against a larger, much older man picking on him (and actually hurting him)?

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I'm just a little bit intimidated going to the police. But he's using his martial arts to be a bully. I think probably the best solution is to stay as far away from him as possible, if possible.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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I agree in part, but you've said that's really not possible. If he's doing it to you there's a good chance he'll do it to someone else. At the very least you should tell your parents or maybe your pastor/priest...

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i agree, if he is doing it to u, he is most likely doing it to someone(or more) else

i also agree that u should talk to ur pasture/priest/whoever is in charge as well as ur parents

ok so i didnt say much besides agreeing...but hey its better to hear something from two ppl than one right?

Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. - Nido Qubein

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I'm just a little bit intimidated going to the police. But he's using his martial arts to be a bully. I think probably the best solution is to stay as far away from him as possible, if possible.

Hey ShotokanKid!!

Man I am sorry about this. The stuff you described is what we call in our Dojo a "Redeye" I am not sure where the idea came from but it basicaly means someone who learns or uses Martial Arts to inflict pain, fear, and revenge on others.

I have dealt with 3 people like this in my life, in each one I approached a differnt beggining but everyman is differnt. I will tell you that trying to stay calm, peacefull, and wise is not always seen by these "Bullies" as a way of helping them or teaching them. Mostly they beleive you fear them in most cases. The other thing is one of the guys I actualy challenged because he was picking on people I knew and it angered me deeply and I had to seriously keep my head on straight from not really hurting him.

The last guy I wont give you the info on that because I went in neutral and didn't take action when I should have, so that's all I think you need to know. But the big thing is that in everyone of these "Bullies" I latter learned they were seriously depressed and angry all the time!

Perhaps you should seek to find out what troubles this mans soul and find out how he views the world, and those he is hurting. The biggest thing that will keep you from making peace and a impresison on the 30 year old is your age unfortunatly. I would like to say that a 30 year old would listen to you, but sometimes age doesn't equal wisdom and vis-versa.

Good luck with him, and if he doesn't stop you should seek to learn a few counters to jointlocks. If he does the wristlocks only when you shake hands then you know it's coming, and he probably is not good enough to get them during a fight. But good luck friend.

To become the greatest warrior, one needs to train beyond the physical and into the spiritual becoming supernatural. It is then that the warrior will know that he is indeed not the greatest, but just awakened.


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