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Inquiry About Two Books

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As soon as the last few books I ordered come in, I'll be making another order...I'd just like some input from people who have read either of these books. Please let me know if they are worth reading.

The first is Gene Lebell's Encyclopedia of Finishing Holds. I thought it would be a nice reference for some grappling techniques. A lot of reviews I read said that it was very good and one of his best works. Others claimed that the photos showed poor transition, that many of the holds were ineffective and non applicable, and that there were too many "Pro Wrestling type moves". Worth a shot?

I'm also thinking about ordering The Fighter's Fact Book by Loren Christensen. I see mixed reviews on this as well. Some say it has very good training techniques and covers all aspects of the martial arts. Others say that the entire book is simply "common sense".

If you have any suggestions for great martial arts books, I'd be glad to hear them as well :)

Any input is appreciated, thanks!

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