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Ever get that itch to train when you're at home? You wish you could just get in your car and drive to the dojo and get train'n? But you can't, because your class doesn't start for hours or even DAYS! I get like this all the time.

What are your favorite drills or activities to do outside of the dojo to improve your self-defense skills? Obviousl, lifting weights and cardio are at the top of the list (for me), but what else do you do?


Work out on my heavy bag

Read MA books

Watch MA DVDs

Log onto KF :D

Shadow fight

Practice upas and shrimping

And some other stuff...

What about you?

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!

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Luckily, I have friends who came to the school with me, after I joined! We get together and work forms and self defense drills. Usually, we round it out with some slower speed, unprotected sparring.

36 styles of danger


I wish I had access to a training partner outside of class, that'd help a lot!

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!


I have a key to the school, so I can go hit the bags whenever I have the urge. I'm in class 6 days per week though, so I don't usually need to.

However, I do train at home as well. this time consists mainly of calesthenics and shadowboxing. I also go to the gym and lift on my lunch breaks at work.


Wow, 6 days a week! I wish I had class that often. The max training I can get in the dojang is 4-5 hours per week. You can be sure I'm there for that, though.

If it works, use it!

If not, throw it out!


Well, I also do weight training, so On my off days I am usually weightlifting, when not doing that, I recently found a guy who was willing to come by and Box with me. I can do that in my yard, also have a heavy bag down in my gym in the basement.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"


I have a key to the school

I also do since i instruct the junior class :) .

I also train at home , I do push ups , sit ups , katas and sparring drills , and i have recently installed a Makiwara at home .

I do lifting at the gym so thats not considered as home training

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike


I do all the exercise stuff and weights and all, running sparing lightly with friends too...

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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