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What's your commute?


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Man, it's been a while since I've been here.

Anyway, I was thinking of starting up a martial art again, 'cause ever since I stopped my motivation for everything, weight lifting, running every other day, etc. has just dropped. Besides, I really loved doing it for the time being. However, the school went sour and I stopped enjoying it.

Now, the problem is where I live there aren't very many schools around, actually just two. There are, however, a few places I would be interested in, but they're about an hour away. So, I was wondering what some of you guys have for a commute to your martial arts dojo. How far is too far? What about in relationship to the price of the dojo? Etc. etc. Just wanted to compare.

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Right now, I go 20 minutes and I'm there. But I went as far as almost an hour for one dojang (MCdojang). So it depends on the dojo/dojang, and what you want out of MA. Ask yourself if this dojo is worth the drive, or is it not? It's up to you. You have been in MA before so you know what to look for. Shop around, and try a few classes. Let us know how you do.

Laurie F

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Roughly 20 minutes by T. I used to live in the building next to our dojo though.

O Sensei said that everyone has a defined sphere of strength and if you can get them outside that sphere then their strength will disappear. I say, EXPAND YOUR SPHERE!

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I drive 15 minutes or so? With little traffic and if I catch all green lights I can do it in 8-10.

I can't imagine commuting 1 hour for a job let alone martial arts!

In my opinion, it's truly up to the person to determine what is "too far." For me anything more than 20-25 minutes away is too far (considering you're looking at nearly an hour of total travel time).


You can determine if it's cost effective:

You have Dojo A that is 12 miles from your home. It costs $65/month. Gas is $2.45 a gallon.

Dojo B is 40 miles from your home and it costs $35/month. You attend either one 3 times per week. Your car gets 25 MPG.

Dojo A will run you ((24*2.45)/25)*3 = $7.06 per week in gas.

Dojo B will run you ((80*2.45)/25)*3 = $19.20 per week in gas or an extra $48.56 per month.

$76.80 + x < $65 + $28.24.

So, in this example the monthly cost of the dojo B would need to be less than $16.44 to make it cost effective.

Man, I'm bored at work. :lol:

Obviously, this is assuming you find either school to be worth your time.

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It takes me about 35-45 minutes by car to reach my dojo from work. I travel up our I-25 highway during the evening rush, so the time is pretty variable. I generally find it quite worthwhile to commute to what I feel is a very good dojo.


Hmm. Hello. This is the floor. How did I get here?

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