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How come only idiots seem to come to my lessons?I try and teach my students moves,and it takes them weeks just to learn the techniques.I might as well give up teaching and fight in tournaments.What do you guys think I should do.


This Message was edited by: Patrick on Jul 16, 2001 12:09pm

I'm the best there ever was and the greatest there won't ever be cos im john john john grayston grayston grayston.

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instructors must have patience.......IMHO; there are no such thing as a retarded student..just students that learn slower than others....it takes a lifetime to master the martial arts and some lessons take longer than that. :nod:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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Maybe the fault isn't in the students, but in the instructor? You created your own "style" that maybe works for you, but it could be very hard for an average person to learn. Look into yourself before looking at your students for fault.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Thanks for the advice.I suppose I am teaching them as if they already have lots of experience in martial arts.I'm going to make them spar,that will teach them to listen to me.Do you agree?

I'm the best there ever was and the greatest there won't ever be cos im john john john grayston grayston grayston.

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Uhm.. sparring is just another training method. I feel having beginners spar can be very detrimental to their training. Beginners don't tend to learn anything when sparring except who can whoop who's butt. Do some application drills before getting them to spar. Have them hit heavy bags and pads. Have them feed each other attacks and defenses. Build them up to sparring with control. You'll find that they'll learn faster and you won't have as many injuries to deal with.



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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Thanks for the tips ken.Well,I did my fifth lesson about an hour ago,and this stuent of mine thought he was real tough,being cheeky to me.So I told him to have some discipline or get out.Unfortunatly he decided to make a spectacle of himself and made a big fuss.Luckily,I was prepared and give him a thai kick to the ribs.That shut him up,with him threatening to sue me.Well,I dont care if he sues me,I dont want students like him.Men,women or children.I dont care - as long as they dont answer back. :kaioken:

I'm the best there ever was and the greatest there won't ever be cos im john john john grayston grayston grayston.

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That's it! I've been listening to this nutcase bull on and on... There's no way an instructor would ever go on like that! Who the hell are you man? Like a 10 year old who thinks he's Jackie fricken Chan? If you really are the real deal then i apologise but you have to do a bit of growing up i think..


Angus :karate: :up:




Reason with an assailant first, THEN break their face!


- Angus Argyle


This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on Jul 20, 2001 11:59am

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.

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Did he sign a liability waver? If so, kick him harder next time. Yea, then he'll understand. It funny how the "tough guys" turn out to be the biggest wimps, huh?



Just kick 'em, they'll understand.- Me

Apprentice Instructor under Guro Inosanto in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Filipinno Martial arts.

Certified Instructor of Frank Cucci's Linxx system of martial arts.

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JACKSPRATT..........the things you say and the things you do.


i can see a line around the corner to sign up. :uhoh:



rushman (karate forums sensei)

3rd dan wtf/kukkiwon

"saying nothing...sometimes says the most"--e. dickerson

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