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karate camp


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Omigosh. I would LOVE to go to a karate camp. That sounds so great. Think of all you'd learn! I should ask if my dojo knows of one, but I have my doubts...


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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well guys im back and well i must say it was alittle less than what i

expeted. class was to short at 1 hr but seemed like half an hour. there were tomany little kids so it was all set up more for there enjoyment. even thou some of the little kids were just plain evil and showed no respect. granted i am a white belt and the camp inst perfect for them mainly shodan hos our pre blacks belts get the best experience since they egt to work directly with shihan.

well i got another yellow stripe this one was for teaching. and the teaching was funny cause the little girl( also a white belt) had the funniest kiai. roar roar

ill get my extra curricular dojo activiety stripe once i write a paper on my time there.

made some kewl friends thats it for now guys

shorei kai=graceful flowing

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Dude, you get stripes for everything! You could have a zebra belt...that would be awesome!

American Kenpo Karate- First Degree Black Belt

"He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position."

Ed Parker

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LOL. Congratulations on the stripe, karateka477!


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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I went to a karate camp with my organisation last year and had a blast. It was soooo much fun and I learned a lot too.

I also went on one that Ticky Donovan (England team coach and famous Isshinryuka) runs - that was great too, except that any mistakes or errors were punished with buckets of ice cold water poured over the karateka... :o

I've been meaning to go to the summer camp run by the KUGB for a number of years now, but never managed it. I'll not be able to go this year either, as I'm away in Dublin at the time.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

Sheffield Steelers!

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We have one in two weeks. I'm getting excited for it. It's two full days, plus one evening session and one morning session. I get to camp out! It'll be so sweet... I'll get to have my own campsite hopefully. I've never been to the location or the camp, so it will be interesting. Apparently there are no showers, but I'm hoping to nip home in between trainings to take a shower some time. Ahhh...karate camps.

"Don't tell me what I can't do."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ivette, as i prbably won't see you for a couple weeks. HOw did you enjoy camp? You can e-mail me personally or put it on the forum here so they can all read what you think. I am going to the doc today to have the ribs checked out and will let you know if they are broken or just bruised. Thanks for your support and help this weekend.

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I enjoyed summer camp a lot. It was hard work, but they didn't go over the top with it. I really enjoyed all the classes I took.

I liked doing kata with Sensei Brad. We did pinan sono ni very, very slowly, but it made me realize I was doing some weird things with my feet at the very beginning.

It was a disappointment that Sensei Tats could not do his thirty man kumite. I was looking forward to seeing his kicks in action. Will he try to do his fights next year?

When will you start training again? I have heard that Sempai Matt will be starting training again in a few weeks time, but do you know what nights he will be training? I hope your ribs are only bruised and that you recover from any other aches and pains quickly.


"Don't tell me what I can't do."

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