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need some help in training


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Does anyone have a good training regement they use. I trying not only to be more flexible, gain more speed, and lose more weight.

Any help would be greatful. thank you in advance.

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Running, run a lot- it will give u endurance and help u lose weight.

Stretch a lot , legs, arms,

I cant really give u a workout instruction because 1) I dont know ur body type, 2) I dont know if you can take the training.

But I recommend, doing all your Katas until you dont really have to think about them to do them right.Let your body feel the flow of the moves in the Katas, they flow nicely if you just relax a bit. But you have to do them over and over so they are a part of you and your movement.

Also, practice your basic moves, over and over again- these tend to be flawed when neglected. They are just as important as any Kata.

Ask your Master/Sensei/Sifu/ Instructor - however he is addresed as- and ask him what would be a good workout for you when you are training by yourself.

--remember to run a lot--

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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Ask your Master/Sensei/Sifu/ Instructor - however he is addresed as- and ask him what would be a good workout for you when you are training by yourself.

I would go with that , the only one that could really help you is your instructor and Runing is great for loosing weight .

Also weight training can be usefull

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Also wearing ankle and wrist weights while practicing your basics is usefull if you want to gain power and speed .

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thasts a myth about not being flexible because you use weights.

i lift three days a week and and can do full splits. currently weigh 190, benching 235. however starting out, i wouldnt go crzy with weights. jumping rope, swimming, and running are all good forms of cardio exercise. practice 25 kicks, each type every morning per leg. 75 push ups, 150 sit ups every day. practice at least 2 kata daily. if you have time, do more.

jumping rope is very good for stamina, coordination and weight loss. i advise you to do 3 sets, of 3 minmutes in duration, witha 1 minute rest in between sets. that may be difficult to sart out with and you can only go 2 minuts, or nmaybe only 1na d half. whatver the case, only rest 60 seconds in between sets. i know you can do it.

my weights always been somewhat of an issue. i was thin and "cut" in high school college, around 175. then went up to 225 because i was drinking beer, being slack, only working in the dojo, not on my own...then for whatver reason, i lit a fire under my tail about 6 months agao and have been trainnig 6 days a week. i've lost 35 lbs in the past 5 months by exercise and elimataing alcohol and sweets form my diet. good luck, and let me know how it goes.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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yep the only thing weights affect is your flexion.... simply becuase they increase your muscle size... they do not hinder flexibility training.

Secondly - the only this i know of that really does hinder it is cycling :D

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The people with the most flexibility and not just for stretching legs, are people from Kung Fu, and most I know, good fighters, dont use weights at all because it - according to them- produces some muscles they dont need other than showing off...

I dont really care either way, if it really does affect flexibility, but chances are he will tense up for training too fast with weights....

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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Well I have just started skiping on the advice of my sesei who says I move like a train and can confirm that it will do all that you want to improve and help with your co ordination.

regards maki

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