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Upping the speed to a realistic situation.

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Okay. As you can see I do a combo of TKD,Aikido, and Shorin-Ryu Karate all in one.

We have these moves that you bassicaly lock the arm and after doing this you can do a large variety of moves, from pulling thier head back and hammer fisting thier chest to pulling both arms down and slashing with your finger tips at thier ribs. Many other things can be done, our sensei did a 19 hit combo, I think, to our upper rank. It was crazy.

Anyways I've become proficient at it slowly. but when some one punches me full force and speed I am unable to intercept it correctly. How would you suggest I get faster with the technique. I guess I should ask my sensei, but I'd rather try it on my own first. Drill it more into my work out, have some one who know's what they're doing gradually increase every week or something?



Needing to focus...

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Dude, the problem is with these sort of moves that they rely too much on fine motor skills. When everything is going full speed and you're not ready for something to happen then your fine motor skills go out of the window and you only remember the most basic things - which is why i hate complicated crap that will never be used.

BUT, if you absolutely have to learn this move then the key is to just drill it over and over again at full speed. GET HIT, it's the best way to learn.


RJT: 2nd Degree Black Belt Freestyle Kickboxer - 3rd Gup HapKiDoist - 6th Kyu Zen Go Shu KarateKa

Just Kick Them, They'll Understand...


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It may also be the fact that its just an advance move that really needs to be trained alot more so it becomes a reflex to use cause in fast paced real life situations the basics are wat you are mostly going to use cause they are effective also a good way to develop speed is to go to a hand ball court stand faily close to a wall and hit the ball and try not to let it drop this will help develop eye speed and reflex

White belt for life

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like has been said - drop all teh finicky [awkward] stuff and go for something thats easier to apply at full speed..... you can learn all that fine-motor skill stuff but it will be more effecitve in a SD situation to learn methods, and moves that are simple.... if thats what ur traiing for.

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I sugest practicing it at medium speed first ,and increasing the speed a little bit every training session .

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start out slow but do a bunch of repetitions until you have it perfectly well, then add more speed still doing a bunch of repetitions until you reach full speed.

try not to start at full speed cause all you will do is get hit. Start slow and build up to your fastest reaction

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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Do a lot of repetition, and I mean a LOT.

that gets you prepared and accustomed to doing the movement without having to think of what youre doing too much, it will come natural....

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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