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MA Goofs & Blunders

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Last weekend at my dojo's Halloween Sleepover, I was laying down on my sleeping bag, quietly talking with a friend. Then I heard one of the 4-year-olds loudly whispering "I gotta go pottyyyy!!!!" Horrified, I quickly jumped up to handle the situation. Pee on the mats is NOT something we need :uhoh:


As I jumped up and began to go to the little boy, I heard my brother say "I'll take care of it". Hearing this, I figured I would just lay back down and resume my conversation...not so.


My Mind was saying "Hey, Body, let's go lay back down."


My Body said "NO! MUAHAHA!!" and I promptly fell flat on my face :dead:


This all happened (from hearing the little boy, to falling down) in about 2 seconds, so it pretty much looked like i jumped up and then immediately fell down...


My friend and I were rolling around laughing for about 5 minutes :lol:


....and they give me bladed weapons??? :-? :lol:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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We have a tridition in out dojo for new sempai's. We call it trial by urine. It is the first time a sempai has to handle the problem that arises when a new white belt has to go to the bathroom very badly and is to afraid to ask.


We also have a codeword for the resulting puddle. One night this happened it was raining so when the puddle was noticed it was attributed to a "leaky roof". So now every time a puddle occurs word is passed to someone to go get the mop and bucket because the roof is leaking again.

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LOL. My TSD dojang roof DID leak ..... for real. It wan't a "puddle" from a kid. One night it rained really hard, and the roof was leaking. We all tried to avoid the puddle, but someone (not mentioning names, but it wasn't me) slipped on it and fell flat on their backside. He didn't get hurt and we got a good laugh out of it. My master begged the landlord of the building to fix it before a serious injury happened. It was fixed :)

Laurie F

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We trained for a while in a racketball court. One year it developed frequent leaks. It wasn't the wet spots that we had trouble with though it was the scaffolding the maintanace crew left in their one day they had been doing repairs. It was in the front left corner of the room. And as senior student at the time I was the one who had to keep dodging it.


Trying to keep one eye on that scaffold did wonders for my concentration that night - not.

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Okay, now that I'm a brown belt, I help teach a class of four year olds in sparring. Part of my job is to suit them up. They always complain about having to wear the mouthguards and take them out. When I was suiting up one little boy, I warned him that if he didn't wear his mouthguard, he couldn't "play sparring", or would get hurt. As I put his helmet on, He opened his mouth, and I leaned close, because I thought he was trying to say something. Big mistake. Before I knew it, I had to jump back because he was puking all over the rug. I didn't know what to do. This was probobly my fourth class teaching. My sensei wasn't where I was, and he hadn't taught me what to do in this situation yet. I jumped up, pointed to the kid and yelled, " Uh, sensei, could you come over here." He came over, looked, laughed, and then told a parent to clean it up. I was still satnding there dumbstruck. None of the adult class knew what happened because there class was later, but sensei was sure to tease me about it in my next class, laughing about how green my face was. Fortunatly, some of the other adults and kids in my class had sympathy for me, with their groans and "oh no"'s .



Dee C.

Normal ( 'nor-m&l)-

an adj. used by humans to stereotype

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Ai-yai-yai....One student in our school had just been promoted to BlackBelt Club, a class on Friday nights for talented students...they get to use weapons, etc. He was about 7 years old, and a leadership team member was teaching how to use and spin nunchaku. The poor little guy had to go to the bathroom, but he was so excited that he didn't bother to tell anybody, and voila! The mats have some strange puddle, and I'm left to mop it up while trying to keep the kid from being embarassed. :uhoh:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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Howdy! This happened about an hour and a half ago- I couldn't resist it!


The last I broke wood I sent a step-into-side kick through two boards like butter. Feeling all pumped, I was set to break a SINGLE board tonight with a simple technique from my weakest left leg: a simple roundhouse kick with the ball of the foot. (These are wussy 1'' pineboards...)


Anyway, because I had to talk to my instructor about payments, it wasn't until the cardio-kickboxing class began warming up and stretching by the dozens that I could break the single board. They were watching with eagerness as I lined up my kick with my partner. My friend suddenly began: "Hey! Line that board so that you are kicking away from the class! We don't want any accidents." :wink:


It turned out that after I sent my foot through the board like a baseball bat I watched the two halves split apart to a thunderous applause and laughter by my audience. I looked to my right in horror to see the other half of the board protruding from the dry wall about three or more inches in. :brow:


We just left it there and took off, laughing at the mess we would have left if I kicked it towards the cardio class. :o :o :o


Jokes now flood the incident. Like if the board actually hit someone:


Doc: "How did this happen?"


Victim: "Man, I was at Karate/Kickboxing when..."

"An enlightened man would offer a weary traveler a bed for the night, and invite him to share a civilized conversation over a bowl of... Cocoa Puffs."

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