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MA Goofs & Blunders

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I know this forum is kinda old, but it was soooo funny. I have a few for ya.


We were doing our warm-up stretches, and when we got to the "v" stretch ... the one you sit with your legs stretched in a "v" and stretch to the left, right, then to the front. Well when we stretched to the front, someone let loose. The floor we had was the "raised" wooden, spring loaded ones, so the whole floor shook. The "noise" came from a black belt, and he turned cherry red. He couldn't deny it because he was sooooo red. The bad thing was, I was sitting right behind him!!!! The smell teared my eyes. Everyone was laughing except me who was about to pass out.


When I was a green belt, my belt was really too long, but I was too lazy to ask for a new one. Well, we were doing spinning jump kicks. I did a 360 roundhouse (tornato kick) and my belt came up and whacked me in the right eye, and my pony tail whipped around and whacked me in the left eye. Needless to say I couldn't see very well for the rest of the class. I learned to hold my belt down before jumping, and tying my hair in a bun instead of a pony tail :grin:


Another black belt was showing off after class. He was jumping over targets and kicking the heavy bag (the hanging ones). He was attemping a jump flying side kick .... well he didn't jump high enough. He made it over the targets, but landed on his side UNDER the bag :lol: Good thing he wasn't hurt because we couldn't hold back the laughter. My instructor managed to say "you missed" between laughter and holding his tummy from laughing so hard :lol:



Laurie F

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Have you ever packed your bag on the way to class on laundry day and gotten to the dojo to change only to discover in your bag is not a complete gi - but 2 pairs of pants?


Or like when wearing an old pair of pants in class suddenly feeling a draft?


And then there is the day when you raise your arm for an upper block to hear a rip and guess what - the old top is now ventilated. I had one rip all the way from the armpit to the belt one day.



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About a year ago I was doing those dynamic stretch kick thingies and I hit myself in the side of the head with my knee but i didn't think much of it until the next class when we were sparring and I realized that the side of my head was bleeding profusely near the ear. I thought that someone hit me real hard until I remembered what happened the day before and realized I had reopened a cut or bruise or whatever it was. Not really funny I guess, but embarrassing nonetheless.

'Conviction is a luxury for those on the sidelines'

William Parcher, 'A BEAUTIFUL MIND'

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  • 4 months later...

Well, this was a little funny :blush: , happened just last week,


.... our group of black belts (myself included) lined up to do some advanced techniques moving down the floor while the lower belts were watching. After doing a few spin kicks down the floor I noticed this white "piece of something" sticking out from my pant leg. It happened to be a dryer sheet which on the next kick flew up and landed square in the middle of the dojang. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Happened a few months ago. Here we are in the dojo, doing several exercises for warming up. We had to run as hard as we could. So I did it. Unfortunatelly when I've ran half of the distance I felt too relaxed where my pants should be tied. I grabbed the falling piece of clothing before anyone was able to notice and ran to my place with one hand grabbing the pants.


Those who noticed I'm holding my pants had a good laugh. So had I, being happy I could catch them in time.

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:lol: nice stories


On Saturdays we have Lil Dragons class for 3 & 4-year olds. It's basically just play time. Well, we have this one little boy who just acts depressed all the time, and never wants to play. My brother (the Instructor for Lil Dragons) told me to try and cheer the little boy up while he kept the rest of the class going. I got down on my knees and very slowly started to walk towards the little boy...I stopped right in front of him and was getting ready to make a funny face or something, when he turned back around and started to get involved in class again.


I hadn't even done anything yet!!! I guess my big ol' face just scared him :cry: Worst part is, everyone was still looking when it happened! The other Assistant Instructor and Leadership Team members all busted up, saying I must be evil... :evil:

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

No matter the tune...if you can rock it, rock it hard.

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  • 2 months later...

I thought since we have new members, I'd bring this one up again ...... and plus I did an "oops" yesterday and today. I went to night class yesterday (beginners class, white to green belts). I was the class senior for the first time. I had to lead the class in the student oath (I always dreaded doing this). I know the student oath by heart. But I "fumbled" my words and my voice cracked. It was sooooooo embarrassing. But I got through it. It will be a lot easier next time :D


Today, I was doing a spinning hook kick (one of my .... well not so good kicks). I did it fairly well the first two times. But the third time I attemped it, I landed on my @$$. It was funny to about 7 people who saw me go down! LOL I turned red hehehehe

Laurie F

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I've had the dryer sheet fly out of my uniform too. Very embarassing.


Another time I was at the university club and I was sparring a guy a few belts ahead of me and a full head shorter. We went back and forth a few times when he suddenly threw a side kick straight at my "boys". I was so shocked I threw an X block down and jumped at the same time kicking my legs out to the side to get out of the way. It looked like I was riding the kick like a mule! We both had to stop we were laughing so hard.

"Jita Kyoei" Mutual Benefit and Welfare

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