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MA Goofs & Blunders

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Long running topic :D

For my yellow belt test, I was extremely tired, and was still slightly unfamiliar with one or two kata. I got a little frustrated, and fouled up a couple times. I had a really bad habit of mixing two kata together. Ending up with Kiban 1.5 and 2.5. :brow: Testing BB made us repeat the kata several times, even after I got it perfect. Which makes me wonder if someone else was goofing up...

I've fallen on my backside a few times doing spin technique. The worst was on my blue belt test. I think it was a spin back side kick. Ijust got so dizzy after spin back fists, I spun on my heel and fell and made a nice crash on the wood floor. Hopped right back up though, and passed.

After the blue test was over, the BB testing my group came over to me and said she really liked my determination. Was happy that I didn't get mad at myself and really screw up. :karate: I still joke with people about .5 Kibans :P

The best a man can hope for

is, over the course of his lifetime,

to change for the better.

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  • 5 weeks later...

There was one of the newer students in the school who tried to mimick some of the other older students doing a particular excersize. As he tried to do it, he fell on his bottom. He was ok and embarrased. We all got a good natured laugh out of it.

"The journey of a 1,000 miles starts with but a single step."

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  • 1 month later...

so many good stories. i think 1 of the best was from my old studio before i moved...i was only like maybe 10 or 11. i had a friend in there who was a year or 2 older than me. he was showing off before class..did a running jump double front kick (ive named it wrong i know..basically 2 front kicks in the air at the same time..like a split but with a kick). needless to say its a ton of fun. however, i never heard his kaia. all i heard was an incredibly loud uh...ripping sound. he went and stood in the corner for a while. of course, to be a good friend i HAD to go ask gee buddy what happened? apparently i had bad timing lol

2nd Dan Soo Bahk Do. Dan Bon - 36884

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmm... I haven't been in MA long enough to have an embarassing story but I have one.

I got partnered with my boyfriend for the first time, so I was nervous. We were supposed to do a double backfist, 3/4 punch to the stomach, and then nail them on the knee-cap. Of course, I'm still freaked out of my wits because it's my first month in the adult class, I'm not used to this kind of stuff. Well... once I kind missed his knee-cap... I think I hurt his pride.

Can't we all just get along?!

I learn to fight so I don't have to.

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or something else :D

Wasnt paying attention when i was sparring my instructor ... .caught a side kick inteh chest and got propelled acroso the room and knocked someone over.

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Flying lessons, huh? I get thoses too. We were doing back to back the other day, and we aren't allowed to stand up. I was sparring one of my senseis, I would stand on my knees, I would get kicked in the chest while he was on his back. Several times I flew half way across the mats, and that can't be easy to do, because I'm bigger than most the dojo kids my age....actually, no, I AM the biggest dojo kid my age.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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Atalanta and I have a new funny story! Hold on, I must slap her for a new dirty comment.

Anyway, the story goes as such. We are working on different applications for things from the kata Naihanchi Shodan, or Tekki Shodan. One of Sensei's students was helping him, and Sensei had just put him into a weird sort of hold. It was his turn to move. He sneezed on Sensei's arm. There was utter silence...and I lost it and started laughing, then the rest of the dojo joined in. Afterall, it's funny to see a nikyu sneeze on Sensei's arm. Then Sensei called him Snot Boy.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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I once went to side snap a guy in the head but he got below it and kneed me in the groin and stamped on the very same place lol.....

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst"

William Penn

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