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MA Goofs & Blunders

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A while back I was in class and everybody was in line to practice flying sidekicks against a tall bag. My first one wasn't too good, so, beating myself up for the poor technique before, I got to the front of the line again. I did the kick, and had absolutely great technique (everybody clapped). I got back in line with an odd look on my face, according to my friend, and he asked me what was wrong. I said nothing, and he went back to watching the other students. Turns out, I completely threw my back out and couldn't do much of anything for the rest of the class.


Another time I was testing for my yellow belt, and was asked to throw a front thrust kick. My foot came about two centimeters away from my sensei's nose, and he had a surprised look on his face. I thought it was pretty funny, and luckily kept myself from laughing.

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A couple of weeks ago in the dojo two of the seniors were sparring. During the bout somehow one of them managed to kick the other one's contact lens out of his eye. I bet he couldn't do that again in a hurry!!!

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That's wild!!! What are the chances?


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, I thought of another one. A few months back, maybe only one, I don't know anymore, it just seems like the dojo's always been there, but anyway, we were practicing running jump sidekicks. Of course, anyone who's read my other wonderful goof ups....you can guess what happened. I run, I do a very nice side kick, and I land flat on my back with the wind half knocked out of me. I'm such a klutz. For the rest of the class, I proceeded to do even better sidekicks that kept knocking the person holding the pad onto the floor. Sensei eventually put a cushion on the floor when I was up, he said it wasn't good for the grown-ups' backs to keep hitting the floor so hard. At the end of class, we took a vote in different categories. I got the strongest kick vote, unanimously. Absolutely hilarious. :)

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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We had a brown belt come back to our dojo after a layoff of 5 or 6 years I believe. We have a new guy who has experience fighting, but not in martial arts, so he is a good sparrer. Well, the woman that came back used to have the ability to hit almost any target she aimed at whenever you got her upset. Our white belt friend didn't know this. She didn't have a uniform with her, so she just participated in some workout clothes. The new guy had a sparring session with her and grazed the side of her head with a back fist. Apparently it was a little harder than she would have liked. She let out a loud kiya as she proceeded to reverse punch him right in the forehead. The kiya scared him, and the look he got was priceless as this woman who wasn't wearing a uniform knocked him on his butt.


Some of the other funny moments have come when people try to say Tatsu Shimabuku when asked who the founder of our style is at a belt testing.

He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.

- Tao Te Ching

"Move as swift as a wind, stay as silent as forest, attack as fierce as fire, undefeatable defense like a mountain."

- Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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isshinryu5toforever, who is the founder of your style, just so I get the funny part of that?


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've been practicing a sidekick/back kick combination in class so when I was down the gym I decided to practice it on the very heavy bag they have there. I'd done it a few times then two guys came in and they were stood watching me. I decided to give it my best shot and side kicked it as hard as I could. The bag swung off into the air and as I turned and did the back kick came back down at speed into my foot. Instead of me kicking the bag away from me the bag launched me through the air. I hit one of the guys that had been watching with a flying headbutt to the stomach.



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I have several blunders the first being, We were doing no contarct sparring and as we had an uneven number in the class i got paired with our sensei. That was fine, except when i went to do a spinning back fist i actually connected with the side of her head. :blush: I felt terrible, while she laughed it off. Another one was we were practicing our technique which involved a partner throwing a straight right followed by a left hook to the body and a right hook to the head. As i was defending i had to block the first hit, block the second and duck under the third. We were going along great and i asked my partner to speed up. Well i sped up my first two blocks but forgot to duck. :dead: I ended up sitting out the rest of the class feeling very foolish and ended having a concussion. Finally (even though i've probably messed up many more times) I was working with the same partner that hit me and we were doing kicking drills. We were working on the front push kick. The sensei was going around making sure that everyone was staying up on their balls of their feet. I happened to be sitting on my heals when my partner kicked the pad. After tripping and flying into the wall i do believe i made a proper fool of myself and my sensei made sure to remind me to stay on my balls of my feet.

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Oh, ouch!!! :( I'm sure stuff like that will always happen now and then.


"Know Thyself"

"Circumstances make me who I am."

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