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MA Goofs & Blunders

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So many things can go wrong during MA practice/sparring, in the dojo or even at tournament, and I was wondering if anyone had any humorous stories, preferably harmless (ie. nothing really serious :eek:


, just a fluke incident) to share.... Deb




1st dan Black Belt Tae Kwon Do (ITF)/ CardioKickbox/Fitness Instructor




[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-03-06 09:47 ]

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In our club we train a variety of martial arts weapons, one of those being the spear.


The spear is a fun weapon to learn, but also takes a long time to perfect.


During portions of the spear pattern the user will "slide" the spear to give it a thrusting action.


One of the students was learning the spear and practicing a portion of the pattern where you dilver several sequential thrusts. He lost control of the spear and it flew across the room. The spear found its tarket.


The target fortunately was a heavy bag. Unfortunately it was a water bag. The spear had pierced the rubber outer liner (the bag had no padding, pure water filling) and was sticking straight out of the bag. Everyone that saw what had happened stopped and was looking in amazement.


The student walked over to the bag, and before anyone could stop him he pulled the spear from the bag. This action caused the bag to virtually explode with a tidal wave of water that the student was now trying to stop with his hands.


The end result was a deflated water bag with a major puncture, and one wet student who was embarrased by the whole thing.


We still laugh about it today...my only regret is that we didn't have a video camera going.



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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


My most embarrasing moment came one night when I had the wrong bra on. A part of my anatomy came out of the harness in the middle of class.


Greatly embarrased I had to quickly retreat and make an adjustment. Fortunately with the heavy weight gi top no one realized what had happened.



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I was by myself in the toilets at work and thinking about things we had been told to practice for the class. I did a few roundhouse kicks and then, OOPS! managed to put my foot through the loop of the roller towel on the wall. I ended up on the floor pulling the whole thing down on top of me. One of my colleagues heard the crash and came dashing in. I managed to explain why I was on the floor by saying I'd slipped and grabbed the towel and it had come down. I actually got some undeserved sympathy and fortunately nobody asked me how come the towel was wrapped round my foot.

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Hehe. I got back from class only five minutes ago - and here's a story! I guess on of our standing heavy bags (the really tall ones) was getting a little weak. We were doing front kicks and we heard a huge crack! and the bottom of the bag snapped and the top canvas part came tumbling down like a big tree that had been sawed. Everyone looked at me and cracked up and the instructor pretended to beat me with a bo. It was funny, but a little embarassing. Luckily, I just broke a plastic part that my instructor had a replacement for!

1st dan Tae Kwon Do

Yellow Belt Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

16 Years Old

Girls kick butt!

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About 1994 (if memory serves me right) I was doing a Filipino martial Arts demo in front of about 500 people. At one point I had a guy come at me wearing as much protective gear as we could get on him - motorcycle helmet, padded up to the eyeballs. He had a BIG stick and I had a light rattan one. The idea was for him to come at me full power at whatever angle he wanted to and as fast & furious as he could. I would defend & put in my counter strikes full contact on him heavily armourd head & body. All went well until about his 4th attack - it was a diagonall backhand (what we call angle 2) - I misjudged my block slightly and took the rebound of my stick right across the nose, splitting it in quite an impressive manner - the thing was, I only realised what had happened at the end of the demo when I wondered what all the shocked faces where about & happened to glance down to see the rather impressive red stripe down the front of my white T-Shirt. Adrenaline is indeed a powerful pain killer - LOL! :grin:






2nd Degree Black Belt : Doce Pares Eskrima https://www.docepares.co.uk

Qualified Instructor : JKD Concepts https://www.jkdc.co.uk

Qualified Fitness Instructor (Weights, CV, Circuit, Kinesiology)

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Heh... Well, one time at my first (and only) tkd belt test, one of the judges asked "Does anyone know what Hell is?" I dont know why he asked that. I live in south georgia *the heart of the Bible belt*. Maybe that had somethin to do with it. Anyway, I was about 5 at the time and I yelled "I DO! I DO!" He said,"Alright, what is it?" I said "Its the place where the devil lives." He asked,"How do you know that?" I replied...."My grandma tells my grandpa to go there all the time!" My sensei put his hand over my mouth while he and my parents dragged me out of sight while I was trying to ask ,"What'd I do?!?" Maybe the judge explained why he asked the question, but I doubt anyone heard it over the roaring laughter. :lol:



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Well, there was this one incident only a few weeks ago at our 5th Kyu grading. This man at the same grade as me was well known for always having Red Bull, energy sweets, all sorts of supplements for energy and strength, and on the day of the grading, he decided he would stick to the tradition and bring a 4 pack of red bull. So he drank 2 of these before the grading, he was full of energy and seemed really psyched for the grading. We go into the hall and start, and when asked to do Kiai on the reverse punch of some combination, he lets loose the most loud, violent, awe-inspiring BURP imaginable! Oooops


Currently 'off' from formal MA training


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An awe inspiring burb huh? :spitlaugh:We have all heard a few of those. And most of us have emitted a few - wether we want to admit it or not.


We were closing class one night. Everyone is sitting quietly on the floor doing their seated meditaition. We hear this loud and obnoxious emission of flatus.


So after a flurry of inappropriate giggling. At the end of class sensei just had to ask who let out the innapproapriate kiai.


Innappropriate kiai :spitlaugh: :spitlaugh: have you ever heard a better term for a mistimed fart? :spitlaugh:



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