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Martial Arts are totally addictive for me. I couldnt imagine my life without them.

Ja, me neither. I get frustrated/angry/sad, and go to class and let it all out in kiais and on the bags. Haha... I'm fairly obsessed; it came on gradually. I started out because my brother was in it and it looked like fun, and by the time I was a purple belt (2nd rank) I was starting to get obsessed. I've gotten more and more into it.... starting out going to 2 hours a week and currently spending 10 hours a week at the dojo! :o And only half that time is training, the other half I help out with the kiddie class, holding bags and stuff.

Does anybody have parents that aren't appreciative of MAs? My mom rolls her eyes and says I'm exaggerating or being overly dramatic when I say I'm gonna do karate for the rest of my life. She expects me to quit after I get my black belt in a year or so. I keep telling her that although black belt is my current goal, isn't the end-all to karate goals. She thinks I'll have successfully mastered the art when I'm a sensei, and then I'll settle down or smg. I tell her I'm going to continue karate during school and stuff, and she's like "Well, that would be nice, wouldn't it, but it probably won't happen. You'll be too busy in college." Ha. When I try to explain to her that I want to perfect myself and etc, she's like "that's nice dear." Grrr.... :x

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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lol martial arts is my life :)

it kind of pushed evey thing but religion and family way out there. i train about 25-30 hrs a week and will one day be in MMA

for me i just love every aspect of martial arts even the pain from a good hit man there is nothing better than MA been this way for 11 years lol

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WOW, I am reading everyons post and they say they train like 10 hours, or even 25-30 hours a week (Muaythaiboxer). This would be awesome for me, I would love to train that much, right no I train about 3-4 hours a week, and it is NOT enough lol, but I am still a yellow belt so hopefully as I become a better Martial Artist, I will be able to train in the dojo more often.

My parents thought MA was just going to be a fad. I had to decide I wanted to do MA, then wait a long time because my parents didn`t want me to loose interest. I decided I wanted to start MA last summer when I saw my cousin and his friend sparring, then they taught me a few things. I had to nag my parents until the end of November before I could start lol. The wait was definetly worth it.

I think they almost expect me to stop traning when I get older, but I never will. I also think they are getting a bit annoyed because I always seen to be talking about it to them, they history, different applications, and they do not understand any of it lol. Oh well.

I do not know if I want to open a dojo yet, I mean I would like to, but maybe in 15 years something will happen. People kind of look at me weird when I say that MA is a HUGE part of my life and I want to always do it.

Well I will stop my little rant and maybe come back later and see if anyone replied...

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I've been at it for... a long time (longer than most of you have been alive, no doubt). But, i don't think i would call it an addiction. Of course, i might be in denial, but i doubt it. :P

Seriously though, as you get older, other things take priority. But these 'responsibilities' never diminished my interest, only the percentage of my life i could commit to it, which in turn is a commission to my continued growth, physically and otherwise.

But, there are some evils i've encountered over the years, that have had direct conflict with my studies. Injuries for one thing, relationships for another, lack of healthcare or finances for yet another. Sometimes it was as simple as not finding a 'quality' school to participate in, or a partner to participate with. I must admit, the issues i noted have caused me to toss in the towel a few times... only to find myself sneaking back over to rummage for that towel in the bin of self-effacation.

I suppose that could be viewed as an addiction, but it's not. 8)

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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