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women training partners?

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Men: do you like working with women partners or are you to afraid to you end up hurting them? or working with new women they end up to prissy to work out with.

Women: you like working out with women training partners?

I think this is a good discussion. I have talked to women in diffrent arts from karate to bjj and from response I get as far as the ones that have been in the respective art for awhile. The prefer to work out with men. find women either phyically weaker and they them selves are afraid to hurt the training partner. Or the weather work with men because thats who they feel they will face on the street so they weather get used to it in training.

My self I don't care if I work with women or men as training partners.

I was at a karate school owned by one of my friends and I was at the grappling class and this girl did it for the first time or second I don't remember what she told me but I was showing her the postions like guard and mount and she is giggling her head off. It was annoying I didnt' want to work with her. she was 19 or 20 at the time I think she would be mature enough not do that crap like some adolescent teen but boy was I wrong.

Other women I worked out with in bjj one was a blue belt skilled and had a sick open guard. I enjoyed working out with her alot it was a fun, enjoyable technical training.

I guess it depends on the personality there is some men I worked with that acted like sissy's when it came to any contact at all. I am not even talking full, medium contact, very light contact but if it even resembled any hurt or pressure at all they would complain and act like sissy's. but the women wouldn't care they would take the hit with out complaint and give you some good contact also.

I don't care who i work out with as long as they want to train seriously. I like all diffrent partners. for Jiu-JItsu I like bigger people because I want to get used to dealing with bigger weight and trying to apply the moves with that. as smaller people I like that to because then I have to deal with the speed they usually bring to the game and learn to adjust for that.

whats every one else thoughts on who they weather work out with or who they prefer to work out with or is gender a factor at all in who you want to train with?

Edited by Adonis
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I have worked out with several women at both of the schools I have belonged to. There techniques for the most part were fine. However I did find that I had to go easier on most of them. Now these were not champion female kickboxers or anything just the average student. A power range that most of the men I've sparred didnt mind I've had requests to tone down from women. Personally I think this does them a disservice as in a real attack a female will most likely face a man. Usually what I do is if I get the opportunity to work with the same woman a couple of times I will slowly increase the power that I hit them with. Some of them make huge strides.

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Tufrahanu, thats the type of training I missioned on several other threads. to slowly bring up the resistance or in your case the punching power and speed so they learn to develop and deal with or adjust and over come it.

Like running a long distance race in a certain amount of time. You can't just go all out for it the body won't handle it very well but if you build up to it then its alot easier on the body to deal with the race when time comes to do it.

same with training. got to increase resistance of the training and build up to higher contact and speed levels. very nice training. I have had similuar experiences when dealing with women.

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Generally I dread working with women because I don't have to bother defending against any attacks - they freeze up and apologize for deigning to move their body anywhere near you. Certainly there are exceptions. Unfortunately, I have only once, ever, had the opportunity to work with one of the committed ones.

Edited by JusticeZero

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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Men: do you like working with women partners or are you to afraid to you end up hurting them? or working with new women they end up to prissy to work out with.

it depends on the girl i am fighting against... there are some that i have to take it easy, and others where i know i can go a lot harder.

and to be honest, thats the same with any student, there are some who fight back and others who apologise if they touch you,. i dont think it is an issue of gender, more like an issue of types of students...

If you have just read the above message and agree with it then you may worship me as the best thing since sliced bread.

Of course if you don't agree then hey, i'm a crazed lunatic and you should ignore my insane ramblings.

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My primary workout partner is a female. We work out 2-3 times a week with light-contact sparring, take downs, etc. Yes, I am more cautious of the strike zones I attack, but as she is 2nd Dan also, the work outs are full speed.

As far as her sparring, she can challenge just about anyone in the dojo in regards to speed and accurracy. I've yet to see her enter a tounament and not take first. So the training is amazing for the both of us.

Fu sheng wu lian tianzun

2nd Dan - Shaolin Kempo

Drunken Master's Classic Kung Fu Theater | DojoZen.com

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When I was in TSD, when I learned a joint lock or something, I picked the biggest guy to try it on LOL. He was game for it, though. I wanted to know if I did it right and/or if the technique would actually work. After working with him (and with his advice), all the techniques worked.

As for sparring, I used to be very timid. I hated the contact. But like it was said already, I built up the tolerance for contact. Now I hate sparring those who can't take a hit (or give it), men or women. But I spar how my partner spars. So if they wanna go light, I go light. If they wanna go all out, so do I.

Laurie F

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Honestly, I've only ever worked with one woman in our school. I don't think our way of training is the way most women would want to train. We train medium contact almost all the time. There is usually at least one bloody lip during sparring, and several bruises. Not that our style is hardcore, we're all just very comfortable around each other and know the others won't mind heavier contact. I think that scares off most females.

36 styles of danger

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When your training younger ones they can get really annoying but I can say some magic words and they shape up. REALLY FAST

I have been at it for 9 years kicking and punching my way up the ranks now im a blackbelt at the age of 13. Come get me. LOL

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