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Hi all,

I am currently considering getting involved in martial arts and the art of fighting. The thing is I'm someone who has a very high tolerence for people (almost to the extent that my parents think I'm too soft) and I can bottle up alot of stuff but lately I feel like one day I'll just blow up. Can martial arts help me with this?

What style of martial arts would be the best to choose? I hear that chinese martial arts is very deep and scientific, thinking of every aspect, but I also hear japanese martial arts is good as well. Ninjitsu school is one of them. Any help will greatly be appreciated :)

To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.

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If you have bottled up anger and wanna get aggression out, why not take up boxing? Its a good way to relieve stress and let out tension. As far as what you should choose, that's totally up to you. What workes for one person may not work for another. I can't even name all the different martial arts out there because there are so many. Why? Because each person is different and different styles work for different people. It is something you will have to judge for yourself. If you are looking for a fghting art. Try KIckboxing or boxing maybe. Good for getting out your agression and also a good way to keep in shape.

"You know the best thing about pain? It let's you know you're not dead yet!"



Frequent sparring practice, and grappling are often theraputic for me. After 5-10 minutes of either, whatever bad mojo doesnt sweat out of my pores, generally escapes in one prolonged, cathartic breath. That's just me though. Good luck.

"What do you tell a guy with two black eyes?-nothing. Somebody's already told him. Twice."


thanks. CAn you tell me abit about anger and martial arts. does anger make you stronger or weak?

To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the highest skill.


angers a disadvantage any master will tell you that focus is key..........and yes martial arts is good for venting aslong as your not using it to vent outside of class like beatin people up lol........like i usually have alot of pent up aggression and it really gets to me most the time (though ive never been pushed far enough to fight) but i just had my first taekwondo class and this morning im as happy as a clam.........goog thing about taekwon do also is that theres alot of sparring, nothin like sparrin to get some aggression of the chest.........just dont try and hurt the other guy


As long as you don't exact your anger on your fellow practicioners directly, it should be okay. Beat the tar out of a bag...kill invisible foes...push yourself to the point of exhaustion...let your anger flow out of you in a constructive way...it's when you let your anger creep into your sparring/technique drilling, and start hitting people out of anger that you have problems.

Otherwise, it's a great way to relieve stress. Exercise, any kind, is proven to do that...and MA are (is?) no exception.



American Kenpo Karate- First Degree Black Belt

"He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position."

Ed Parker



"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"


I dread people with anger studying things like Yoga - it turns them into a liability and a danger to everyone around them. Non-combative exercises like that help people bottle up even more repressed anger, while also giving them a persona which denies that they CAN be angry. The result is that they passive-agressively mangle and abuse everyone around them, and can't even acknowledge it.

If you are worried about anger, take up something that includes solid aggressive sparring as a regular part of it's routine. Something like boxing, grappling, or other contact sparring teaches you to control and harness your anger, giving it a safe and controlled release that helps you to accept it as a part of you without simply blocking it up and letting it break out wildly to rampage. Good arts for that include things like boxing, wrestling, kyokushin karate, BJJ, escrima/kali, savate, muay thai, most any gungfu that emphasizes heavy sparring (there are many of those, but I don't know enough about CMA to know what ones are good to look for in this), probably judo.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia


Well having an outlet for anger is fine, but also learn to control the anger and change it into something else.

"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who

are willing to endure pain with patience."

"Lock em out or Knock em out"


In arts with agressive outlets, you cannot just 'uncork your rage' and expect to be successful - fighting effectiveness plummets and teachers will tend to rein one in hard if one just starts frothing and going berserk in a full rage. They have to develop focus to channel that aspect of themself, rather than just ignoring it or spilling it.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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