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how often?


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Rateh: Best wishes to you and I hope you'll be ok and able to train soon... :)

This is how my scedule looks like:

Monday: 2'5 hrs

Tuesday: 3 hrs teaching kids classes

Wednesday: 1'5 hrs

Thursday: 3 hrs

Friday: Doing nothing, relaxing and regenerating... :D

Everything totals at about 8hrs/week.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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How do some of you guys find time for a life outside of Martial Arts? I can understand you guys who are instructors and others who have important gradings coming up, but how do you others find time for family, wives, girlfriends, friends, jobs etc?

Also do you not find you pick up alot of injuries with all that training?

I started doing shotokan 6 months ago. I wanted to try something different to just weight training and i'm glad i did coz i'm really enjoying it. But if i tried to put in the hours some of you do, i reckon I would be shattered all the time and my body would be in bits after a while....and my girlfriend would kill me!

I hope this post doesn't look like i'm critisising anyone, because i'm not. I think its probably coz its a hobby to me but i understand it can be a way of life to others.

Anyway, this is how often I train:

Mon and Fri, 1hr weight training.

Tues andd Thurs, 1.5 hours Shotokan and stretching.

10mins a day practicing blocks

Sunday, blocks, strikes and bag work.

The wisdom on Rodney Dangerfield.

"I was such an ugly baby. My mother never breast fed me. She told me that she only liked me as a friend."

"I could tell my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and radio."

"With my wife, I don't get no respect. The other night there was a knock on the front door. My wife told me to hide in the closet!"

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I'm training for a ring karate event coming up in two weeks.

This will be my 3rd fight (I've had 1 win and 1 loss so I bloody have to win this one!!).

This has been my training schedule for the past 4 weeks...

Karate Class - Mon, Wed

Judo Class - Tues, Thurs, Sun

Fighting Karate Class - Fri

Kata Class - Sat

Running/Sprints (before Karate) - Mon, Wed, Fri

Skipping and Weights (before Judo) - Tues and Thurs

Bag work and sparring (after Karate) - Mon, Wed.

Saturday is my rest day as kata class is pretty easy but I really enjoy doing it.

It's been hard work but I've had no real injuries, I take protien suppliments to assist recovery, multivitamins and have a high energy diet. I do alot of stretching and walk 20mins to and from the dojos to loosen the legs up before and after training.

"Let's Get It On!!!"

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How do some of you guys find time for a life outside of Martial Arts? I can understand you guys who are instructors and others who have important gradings coming up, but how do you others find time for family, wives, girlfriends, friends, jobs etc?

I personally spend the rest of available time with my boyfriend... Every now and then I also take time after classes and meet with my schoolmates and other friends. But mostly I hang out with the folks I train with. We're close, kind of like a small family so it's not uncommon we go biking or hiking together.

Also do you not find you pick up alot of injuries with all that training?

Yes and no...Sometimes it seems that more injuries arise when I train less...

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

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