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opening moves


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I don't have an opening move anymore. It used to be a high lead jab, lead front kick, cross, spinning back fist or elbow if my opponent blocked and grabbed my hand from the cross (I know...that's like four moves), but as time passed I began to realize that with adrenaline pumping in a real situation I would be so wrapped up in my opening moves that I'd probably completely miss what the other guy was doing. So, I decided to never open - I would waited for the other guy to attack, and react to what he did. Although I'm pretty skillful at counter-attacking, I began to realize that going to that extreme wasn't good either as I would be forced to fight on my opponent's terms.

I approach situations now with "mu-shin"; that is, I have no preconceived notions of what I'm going to do. I've found in kumite that this works best as one's ability to adapt to a situation or shape a situation in the absence of preconceived notions is rather rapid. I imagine that this would be enhanced even greater in real life.

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in a real fight that hopefully never happens, i make my design to slide left or right(after my opponet move i am in faivor of counter ) and i deal with next situation, i hope i end up somewhere outside the oppent body, otherwise if i trap inside with the reverse punch comming i'll have no choice but to take the eye first.

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Bleeding Lion,

I love that part of Gekisai, it's a great little combo. I like to use a catch and kick like in Shisoshin and then go into the gekisai combo from there.

So it would go catch an arm on the inside kick or knee geidan, elbow to the chest, backfist to the face (or maybe palm strike under the chin), while still holding the arm you caught, smash it with a geidan uke and grab some clothes as you come under the arm, let go of the arm and reverse punch to the jaw, then turn that knife hand stike into a throw by grabing and applying the same motion.

It's probably difficult to picture this forum being text based an all. It's a nice blend of Shisoshin and Gekisai and that guy aint getting up. Sure it's not exacly like the kata but the kata is just a guide after all.

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do you feel comfortable enough with those moves in the kata that they would become reflexes ina live situation?

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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In theory yes, but I seldom get into live situations.

I find if I drill with a partner using various combinations over and over they become instinctive. If I make a mistake I just improvise and go into different combo.

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Hey Dark Shogun:

Nice to see somebody else that like that part too. I dont know much about shisochin kata (im just 8th kyu) but i like using techniques from katas.


I always practice katas as if im actually fighting with someone, thats the reason why i would answer yes to your question. It depends on the techniques, but i really like the one in gekisai i described before. But like Dark Shogun pointed out, i only answer with theory as i dont get into live situations. who knows if i would control my adrenaline enough to use those moves.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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I personally dont have any leading moves for normal stuff.... maybe if i was sparring in competition i migth throw a couple of mid range techiques to gauge their guard, but nothing fancy or predictable.

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