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opening moves


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I know theres been forums on favorite tricks of the trade, combos, etc.

I'm curious to know what would your opening move be in a live situation.

I'm not looking for responses like "talk it out, avoid conflict, etc".

imagine the situation has escalated and there's no choice to but to fight.

i'm sure some pople will respond by sdaying to wait and see what the opponent would do, but supposing you want the ball in your court, you dictate the fight, and the situation is ugly and unavoidable.

i'm a fan of a lead hammerfist to the nose, followed by a 4 knuckle strike to throat.., or a headbutt smash to the face.

let's discuss some of your opening moves in a live situation, where force is definitely required.

Edited by JimmyNewton

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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ahh, sorry for typing errors. I hit submit before proofreading.

Edited by JimmyNewton

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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i would also think a knee smash with a low lead leg side kick followed by a palm heel to chin.

i guess i'm curious to know what opening moves could be the most effective in terms of damage and speed.

I realize that conflict should be avoided at all costs, but i'm still just hypothezing on instances where it can't be

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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There is a reason for the edit button lol

Anyways, I would probably just try to do a kick to the groin with my front leg so I do not get too close, and then run if the attacker hesitates to run after me because of the pain. Probably anything to the knee or groin, I do not want to get too too close.

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If they atack - grab my head with my left hand -> elbow sticking in front and directly counter him ( hit towards him ) best if done in the head or in the shoulder joint. Than continue with 1-2 elbows ....

IF they dont attack but u know that they will - kizami zuki ( fingers in the eyes ) follow up with an elbow or _______(dont know the name) geri to the groind ( mae geri with the back leg - this kick with the front leg ).

Basically : target zone = the genitals the eyes and the nose. Whatever comes first. :D

Kempo Arnis Slovenia - Training under sensei Borut Kincl begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting ( 6. DAN RKK, 1.DAN Modern arnis ... )

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kick fake with my right leg, mae geri to the groin, elbow to the chin, back fist, open hand head block (as a strike) to the chin or punch to the head.

yeah, ive been trainning the gekisai katas a lot lately :D

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence thus, is not an act, but a habit. --- Aristotle

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Shoot them.

Though, I like the triple backflip idea, germandrache.

Seriously, though, I would strike the biggest guy (you know there's going to be more than one) as hard as I could in the face/chest/groin with whatever came to mind and was most effective, kiai as loud as I freaking could, and then move on to the slowest while the rest of them run, or proceed to the fastest/next biggest if they start moving in.

As a general, prayerful rule, if you take down the big guy, the rest will think twice.

We hope. If not, you may end up having to beat them all up, instead. :D



American Kenpo Karate- First Degree Black Belt

"He who hesitates, meditates in a horizontal position."

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i've heard that rule of thought. once you take out someone, no else watching should want any.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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