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Loseing a fight to a girl.


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I know some girls who can kick butt........

if you dont like losing to a girl, thats sexist anyway.

I have had to sparr with a girl, and not for points-full contact-, let me tell you, girls can hit as hard as men, they are more flexible and stay more focused.

Get off the computer and go train like crazy if you dont like to lose to someone.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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if he looks bigger and stronger, it's a safe bet that he is. size and strength are not the female's attributes though. Notice, he wasn't beaten by size or strength.

he wasnt beat by size or strength , but receive a hit one too many times and you've lost the fight either way, strong or weak opponent.

If she is lazy and still got those kicks in, someone needs to start training HARD

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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I think it all depends on the individual. Some are better than others at sparring. It's also about attitude and how you react to the situation. Remember girls are usually much more flexible than guys and think differently so you can easily be caught off-guard. Don't place undue emphasis on grade. It's how good someone is at their martial art that counts.

The past got us here and leaving it alone was the only way I could be sure we'd never have to live through this nightmare again.

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While I was an orange belt I sparred with a black belt once - he kept his guard low and I kept throwing kicks to the abdomen, when he wasnt expecting it, I threw one to his face; never even saw it coming.....

The black belt hadnt been training like he should have and started training hard since that day:PIF you cant defend right, you are most likely neglecting your training.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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I had a similar experience. My sensei is a black belt and he is really awsome at karate but he keeps his guard low so his head is always vulnerable.

The past got us here and leaving it alone was the only way I could be sure we'd never have to live through this nightmare again.

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MJC The Great

its not always a lousy guard- there are some fighters who do that on purpose so they'll be attacked- countering a high kick can be pretty easy and opens up for a sweep so....

dont get fooled

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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it's still sloppy and bad form. he may be able to get away with it on his students - but he may not be able to with someone of equal and greater skill - they will exploit the opening. I can hold my hands low against the guys I train - I do it on purpose sometimes to get them to learn to recognize openings - but I cannot do it against my coach - he will tear me apart.

Some just naturally gifted athletes, like RJJ can get away with it, but the average person doesn't have RJJ's ability.

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not really bad form, experienced fighters will do that to draw certain movements out of their opponents- obviously a move they're familiar with, so the fight goes easier for them.

I've seen it used against a boxer and it works. but like I said, only a very experienced fighter should try this.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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I'm not saying it doesn't have it's uses. but it has plenty of drawbacks - for all fighters, boxers included. Boxers are quite used to it though - it was actually popularized by a boxer. He kept that hand low so he could throw flicker jabs... I can't remember which boxer it was - I think it was spinks. RJJ does it also. And as we've seen recently, it's gotten RJJ knocked out.

I say it's bad form because the face is unprotected. you can keep the shoulder raised to protect the chin - like a boxer would do it - but the mojority of the face is still unguarded.

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Guys hear me out.

How do you feel about loesing to a girl in a fight. (Sparing not street fighting) doesent it feel weird. Because you start to think to yourself what if it were a real fight would I lose give me your oppinions.


Doesn't feel weird to me at all...

If someone does better than me... I EXPECT them to win out...

Then I expect MYSELF to learn WHY they beat me... so I can improve myselt to not let em beat me the same way TWICE.:D

Losing's okay...

Just don't lose the same way twice...:D

"Tournaments are the least important aspect of martial arts..." Pat E. Johnson--Technical Advisor and "Chief Referee" for the Karate Kid movies.

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