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AZ Kempo


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do you have any advice on how to determine whether it's a good school or not?

Go in to the school. Watch a class. Talk to the instructor. Get a feel for his/her teaching style.

Good things:

Do they ask you what you want to get out of their program?

Do they let you try out a class or two for free?

Does the instructor teach in a manner that you think will work for you?

How good are the higher ranking students in the school?

Bad things:

Tries to sign you to a long term contract

Is very expensive

Won't let you try or even watch a class

Uses high pressure sales tatics

Isn't open about how long they have been training in the style or who their instructor is

There's a long list of things that I'm sure have been covered in some other thread about how to choose a school, which you can search for. Specifically, if you find out who the instructor is, their rank, and who their instructor is, I might be able to do some research as to if they come from a good lineage or not. Feel free to PM me with the information if you get it.

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2 of the people I know that are really good is Jerry Shaw on s.e. cornor of gilbert and university in mesa. 480-649-8225.

Or mike elstnon. which again you would have to getahold of jerry to find out about Mike. they are both very good as far as shaolin Kempo goes. I been to 2 USSD schools up in tempe and chandler.

IF you want ed parker kenpo a good instructor I now but he teaches at out of his garage. He also teaches Kenpo program for some charter school in Mesa. called Heritage academy. I think its all center street off of main. Jon Duke is the instructors name. I seen other instructors for ed parker in az. Jon IMO is one by far knows more of the technical Knowledge.

If you aren't experienced to much in Martial arts. best I can tell you is to go into the yellow pages under martial arts and try diffrent schools out. Most of them have some introductory lessons or even free one time class particpation. Just ask questions and see what place you like the best. alot of things factor in choosing a school

sytyle you like. Your comfortablity in the instructor and other students. commute (how far away the school is from you) to the school. Price, knowlege base of the instructor and how well you feel your learning. Your own personal goals of why you are taking up the martial arts and how that school and instructor will help you reach those. Plus many other factors.

Lim is a pretty solid Hawiian kenpo instructor as well. Not sure of any schools in awatukee.

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Try this web site. https://www.acskarate.com . Ray is a friend of mine and an excellent teacher. He's probably not the cheapest guy in town but he's got a really good program and his students are excellent. Tell him Greg Dowden sent you.

If you don't like him, there Mike wall on E. Thunderbird Rd. He teaches Taika Oyata's RyuTe Kempo. Here's the web site for them: http://www.pvkarate.com/Our_School.htm

Good Luck! Let me know if you want more information. I'm not really familiar with the Ahwatukee area. I lived in North Phoenix for 8 years though and I met a lot of folks in the martial arts community there.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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Try doing a google search

type in

matial arts (your city)

The search should come up with something like martial arts in or near cityville

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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try to find the one's nearest to you and have best prices and instruction. get one were youfeel comfortable. If the school is far it can kill motivation to travel out that far back and forth day in day out for consistant training. So location is important. Unless your so into it you just want to find the best school for you. I will wrtie down more names and address? Is kenpo the only art you want to do or is there others your looking for.

Have you studied before?

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