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My little brother got beaten today

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I would do the same thing you did. That's a good experience. You should not feel bad. HE needs to be able to defend himself. Anyway he was in no mortal danger.

im G A Y and i love you i W A N K over you EVERY DAY!!!

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wow........this is a tuff one......

ummm........budo vs. the american school social structue......

I say you did the right thing, but only 'cuz I remember being the fat kid in school. Eventually I had to fight, the first time against a smaller kid that I actually did slap. It's sad, but the state of kid's enviroments today, he has to fight, or he'll be beaten up on a daily basis. one or 2 fights tho should do it, it'll keep the heat off of him. Train him, but NEVER, EVER, EVER, encourage him to provoke a fight.

You can become a great fighter without ever becoming a martial artist, but no sir, you can not become a great martial artist with out becoming a great fighter. To fight is most certainly not the aim of any true martial art, but they are fighting arts all the same. As martial artists, we must stand ready to fight, even if hoping that such conflict never comes.

-My response to a fellow instructor, in a friendly debate

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I'm pretty anti-fighting and under no circumstances would I let any family member get beaten up if I could help stop it. Letting him "toughen up" is a ridiculous excuse for letting a fist fight go on - especially between 10 year olds!

Frankly, I'm surprised that so many people on this thread were pro-fight. It's all about how you were brought up I guess.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Encouraging anyone, children or adults, to settle their differences in the street is wrong. Cheering your little brother on, does not build his character. It only reinforces the misperception that violence is acceptable in all circumstances.

This is a voice of reason. Given that the fight had already gone on for some time, I would have broken it up, chatted with him about it, and a) asked if he learned any lessons from the encounter, b) given him advice on how to avoid those situations without physical means, c) as a default, asked if he was interested in studying a martial art to develop proper techniques.

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  • 4 months later...

Ten year olds in the USA are rather weak these days. However, if you go to a gym or to a regular karate class I am sure your coach would hook your brother up with a few good fights in a few months if he behaves himself and proves himself in kata testing (such as belts). On the other hand, please explain to your brother that fighting in public is not only illegal in most places but in my experience is a shunned form of conduct in many experienced martial arts circles. Not just saying that "trained fighters" are that much more dangerous in fights.

"Not all the best people can be found in the ring"

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As martial artists we are supposed to discepline ourselves mintally, physically, and spiritually. That last part takes a lot of work. I don't mean on other people. For me, its all about making me a better person. To do that I have to look at me.

Your little brother is probably to youg to understand that and I don't know for shure but I think you do.

Martial arts is for self defense. Used for the wrong reasons it will only bring you trouble and disappointment. Part of our responsibility is to be good roll models for others weather they are in martial arts or not.

I think you should have tried to break them up and find out what the problem was. If defending himself was justified and it is the only way other kids will leave him alone if they are picking on him, then he may have to stand his ground. But if you can break up a fight and turn things around and make them better, as a martial artist you have that responsibility if its your business.

On the other hand I don't know all the details so I can't say under the wright circumstances I would not let it go on. If someone has to fight they have to fight. If its my brother, Im probably going to do the same thing if its the right thing. Sometime you just need to let um have what they deserve.

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I am still at school, so I know from first hand experience that you have to fight some time or everyone will pick on you. Heck! one of the reasons I started Kick Boxing was to defend myself in the playground.

You shouldn't really encourage him to fight, just support him and help him stand up for himself when the moment requires action.

"...to stand between the candle and the shining moon..."

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  • 4 weeks later...


Wow , after 4 month that topic survives :)

It's vital for a martial artist to be in a REAL fight NOT sparring from time to time , don't you agree ?? I mean , I know martial arts are all about discipline ,however , one must have the inring and the real fight experience ..

By the way , even if you are a black belt and if you are well prepared , if you don't have inring experience , a lower rank with more experiience would easly win the macth , same goes for real fights , osu

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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