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karate in the family lineage

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i was wondering if there was anyone here that wasnt the only one in their family that studied martial arts. as for me, my father studied shimukan, my uncle on my fathers side studied tang soo doo, and my uncle on my mothers side holds a 3rd degree in wado ryu. how about you guys?

"Karate is an art. It must be regarded as such with its entirety of philosophical thought and development of the mind in harmony with the body. If it isn't thought of this way it is valueless. It is like eating only the bitter skin of the apple while leaving the sweet inner meat untasted. It is this crucial premise that is being overlooked today, and if the tide is not turned, I must predict the demise of the art. "

-Isao Obata

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My Mothers side of the family comes from a long line of samurai class in Japan. My great great grandfather? fought in the satsuma rebellion, and his son was famous for his skill in kyudo (Japanese Archery). My great Uncles were skilled in kendo and practiced karate in Japan during the 1920's, but I don't know much more other than that because they both died during WWII. We have family records dating back to the mid Tokugawa period (1700's). I'm kind of ashamed that I don't know more about my family heritage, but thats something I'll really have to study. My fathers side of the family came from England and we have ancestors that were the original passengers on the Mayflower. I doubt my Fathers side has any martial tradition in the family other than generations in the U.S. military.

"The true essence of karate, the perfection or ideal for which we strive, cannot be expressed or passed on through the spoken or written word. It is intangible in nature"

Chojun Miyagi

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i am the only current practionier that i know of. my cousin wrestled in high school. my twin bro knows some boxing and muay thai and a tad bit of wrestling. my bro and i took tae kwan do so many years ago but didnt last long. i recently started karate and will stick to it till GOd takes me from this earth

shorei kai=graceful flowing

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my self and 2 of my 3 brothers all took classes. one brother started before i did and got his shodan in tae kwon do.

my other brother and i started shorin ryu. he quit becaus of college and i am still taking classes.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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