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the streets

Spooky dog

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I want to tell everyone how much u must watch you'reself on the streets! As just one of you knows i was attacked on Friday night, i am almoast a brown belt in aikido, but that did nothing wen itcame to it...he atacked me from behind i now suffer wid a black eye-a possble fracture skull-2 cracked and flaked knees-and a broken finger- and the worst black eye...it isnt even blackit's purple!!!


Let me know how you feel on the streets-Do you feel safe, do you feel safe withthe law?


thanx spooky dog




A teacher can only open the door it is you who must walk through it!


Spooky dog-jr blue




[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-03-03 12:59 ]

Don't just do Aikido-perform it, feel it...dance it!!!

Spooky dog-jr blue


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Very sorry to hear that. I was wondering how you feel about Aikido now. Was the situation such that you were sucker punched? Were you able to even try to use your Aikido? What group do you study with? Any more info would be helppful.


As for your question: Yes I do feel safe. I do not think that I am superman or that I cannot fall victom to a sucker attack etc but I have responded to attack on the street before without a problem and would again. Many of my kung-fu brothers have also been in bad spots and came out okay including the Sifu's son who was asked by three young punks for 'his coat' - they paid for the coat but never got it :grin:


Of course Wing Chun is a very aggressive art unlike Aikido, which is a very special art in that it is intent on not harming the enemy if possible and makes a lot of demands on its students...it ain't easy. But I do like Aikido in any case.


Best of luck and get better soon.







Moy Yat Ving Tsun


Rest in peace dear teacher, dear friend, dear brother, and dear father: Moy Yat Sifu


[ This Message was edited by: Shaolin on 2002-03-03 12:33 ]

Moy Yat Ving Tsun

Rest in peace: Moy Yat Sifu

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The point here is to be aware of your surroundings ... and to not put yourself into a situation where you will feel unsafe. My husband and I were walking in the city this past weekend. Sat. night and bustling activity (Yale University campus). Lots of alley ways... and although I felt safe (lots of security) one should always be aware.... have a plan of action. you should definitely think about the hypothetical situation now.


It's much better to consider the scenarios now before a street ambush does happen.


I am right-handed. My husband is a lefty. When we walk together, even if we are holding hands, I stay on his right , and he stays on my left.


This way, I always have my dominant hand free, and so does he.


While arm in arm ... his left hand moves in concert with my right hand.... sort of like being one autonomous person!


Do you have similar plans of action ..... just in case??



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I would feel safe walking through the ghetto at night. when attacked people can be fazed by thinking "I can't belive that this is happening" you need to be thinking "this was probably gonna happen someday and today I'm ready!"



Boards don't hit back.

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well sorry to here that you got hurt hope you get better :nod:


Well I do feel safe on the streets if i know the area or if I am with a group of friends or something. But i don't really feel safe somewhere that i don't know the area and by myself though or if their are lot's of older people around me :nod:



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I personally feel safe, but awareness is the biggest thing. If you are "tuned out" you will never see it coming, and that is the most dangerous aspect.


Always walk with a friend, take streets you know, don't take shortcuts, don't walk late a night, and so on they all add up.


You can avoid almost any situation without confrontation



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On 2002-03-03 12:57, KickChick wrote:


The point here is to be aware of your surroundings ... and to not put yourself into a situation where you will feel unsafe.


Trust me, u cant be prepared for it!! My boyfriend was attacked in broad daylight just around the corner from school, i was there and couldnt do a thing...it wasnt plesant. It was armed, there was a lot of them and totally scary. That was last year and we had to go to court, got one of them locked up, however we are still getting the grief from their gang, that we are prepared for cuz to be honest we are used to it now so when it happens we're just like "oh here we go again!" but we were attacked in one of the best areas of sheffield in daylight, it would be pretty hard to expect that even if u tried!!


More along the lines of the question, i dont feel safe no and the law is completely idiotic (a death threat we recieved had to go un-noticed by the police as they said it wasnt reliable evidence and we had to wait until they DID SOMETHING!! how messed up is that!!!)




my sympathies go out to spooky dog, i hope ur ok!



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I don't really feel safe, either way I don't like what the outcome of the fight will be. I don't really feel like belting someone up and I don't feel like getting belted up myself.


Against one attacker I feel pretty safe. I fear a gang bashing (after being bashed by 4 people while drunk), most people know who I am and I've had my fair share of fights so it wouldn't be surprising if I got gang bashed again.


I don't feel any safer with my friends, because I've been in a few confrontations where me and one of my friends have been the only one to act while everyone else sat there or did nothing! Doesn't make me feel too much safer being around friends considering one of them who does MA was walking away leaving us there with an aggressive guy. Would have been nice if he could have given us some warning, or said 'let's go, I don't like the look of this guy' when he saw him coming.


I have learnt to avoid fights though, it's become like an instinct I think and I've managed to avoid fights instead of looking for them.


I don't drink because I always want to be in control of my body.. I blew this promise I made to myself last Friday though, I drank 1 and a half plastic cups of bourbon straight in 10 min.. I felt safe because people I had fights with before were there and we found respect for each other.


From my experiences, on the street 'friends' won't stick for you. Only your closest and truest friends stick for you on the street. The way I see it : it's only me who's going to defend me on the street, if someone steps in that's my goodluck. I'll always stick for my best friends though, no matter what, even if there's a girl at my side.. I've made that mistake before, but it actually turned out to be a very fortunate mistake 'cause I would have hit them, then there would have been another 20 guys from out of the carpark to 2 of us, me and my mate while every other gutless mother ****er sat there!


Sorry it's a big ramble..





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i feel pretty safe most places that i go........ the key is to again be aware of your surroundings and look assertive.......when you look assertive people will think twice before picking on you


if you got your head down you are walking a little slow its gonna look like you are a sucker and people will think that they can take advantage of the situation


if im by myself in a bad neighborhood or at a house party where i know i am bound to run into the trouble and i know im gonna be out numbered.......i just bring along my trusy asp!!!! hit a guy over the head with one of those he'll be seeing stars for a good 20 years!!!!!!! hahah :smile:

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