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Enshin or shorin ryu?


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I'm returning to Karate after a few years off. In my area there is an Enshin Dojo and there is a Shorin Ryu Dojo. Both are very good, I've checked them out.

Question: Which style would provide the best all around system for self defense on the street? I know no system is complete in all respects. I have been training in Aikijutusu for years, so I have a good base of throwing and grappleing skills.

Enshin seems tough but, seems to put most of it's effort into tournament type fighting.

I'm wondering if there might be more options in the bunkai of the shorin ryu kata. The Shorin Ryu dojo does seem to train tough with some hard contact in the middle kyu ranks and up.

What do you think?


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Both are extremely good. But I would go with Enshin, as full contact sparring will give you excellent stamina and conditioning for a street fight. You will also get use to pain. And the grappling side of Enshin will be very useful on the street and should be easy to learn, as you have previous experience. Not to say Shorin Ryu doesn't have grappling though. You may also get the chance to compete in the Sabaki Challenge :o

What ever you decide Im sure you will be pleased. As Shorin Ryu bunkai is top notch for street defence. Even though Kyokushin is mainly Naha Te. I prefer Shuri Te katas as they contain more street/self defence moves.

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i would say Shorin Ryu.

the fighting, techniques and kata should be extermely sudfficent for you.

i don;t know much about enshi though, and considering i have been involved in shorin ryu for years, i am somewhat biased.

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Shorin Ryu is one of the four original styles in Okinawan Karate. It has a much richer history behind it. Enshin is Kyokushin based w/ plenty of grappling and sabaki. I trained in Enshin for a little while under Tomiyama Sensei ('92 sabaki middleweight champion) and their kumite is very impressive, but it lacks strong basics (kihon). In Enshin you'll develope your kumite skills much faster, but if you do Shorin you'll develope strong basics. I would personally go with Shorin Ryu, because it's a type of karate you can do for the rest of your life. Enshin, koykushin, Oyama, etc. is very good for younger people, but as you get older, you won't always be able to train and compete like you once did. If all you care about is fighting, then go w/ Enshin. If you care about learning true budo, then go with Shorin Ryu.

Edited by Eiichi

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Hmmmnm..tough decision.

But I'd go shorin ryu every time.


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