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when you begin, alright to feel pain?

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i was feeling pain in my neck, thats probably because when i was sparring, i got a nasty headlock type thing from another begginer who took wrestling.

my throat was also hurting today, im guessing because of this choke the begginer did on me, and because of the move where you grab the gi and choke the person with it (ouch)

finally, something that kind of worried me, was the red marks on my neck and in the right arm (where the arm bends) these red marks im not sure why theya re there. the ones on the neck might be from the gi choke.

my question is, is it alright to feel these pains (got much ebtter now) after these classes? can they be in anyways harmful? thanks

Im brasilian, but live in the united states. Really enjoying martial arts.

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Yes and no. It's normal to feel pain and stiffness at first. Your body needs time to get accustomed to being streched and extended in strange ways. Give it a month and you should get used to it. Now as for your throat hurting I haven't heard of that. See a doctor just in case to make sure everything is all right.

I'm only going to ask you once...

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I experienced similar aches and pains, since I just started about a week ago. However my neck pain is more of soreness from holding my head up off the ground to perform some techniques. I am not sure if you're experiencing the same thing because you might have actually received a neck injury, it if is severe i would go to the doctor but if its just a little I'd give it a couple of days. As for the red marks, I think thats pretty normal, I had the same types of marks on the neck (they kinda look like blood under the skin but they dont hurt, they just look bad). Hope this helped. Good luck.

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One more thing to consider. Most of the more serious injuries I have seen and heard of have been cases where both parties were beginners do to their eagerness to execute the moves they end up going too fast and get hurt. Just relax and take your time, you have a long time to explore and discover the nuances of the techniques.

I'm only going to ask you once...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Strangulation or choking techniques or anything involving the neck should not be practiced unless a qualified instructor is present. Especially if you’re a beginner. I suggest you go see a doctor if the pain persists.

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thanks a lot guys, but pain is done,lol. just soarness in the upper back for when im on the ground began a little, should be over with soon. thanks though.

Im brasilian, but live in the united states. Really enjoying martial arts.

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Where does your neck hurt? Around the throat or around the spinal chord? If its around the throat its probably inflamed from the choke. If its around the spinal chord more than likely your head got jerked around at some point and the spinal chord is irritated...usually I have this problem if someone does a neck crank to be and I dont go down right away. The symptoms would be similar to whiplash...very stiff neck and inablity to turn it to the left or right with out pain. You should ice it and take some ibuprofen for the swelling...if it doesnt get better in a couple of days go see your doctor. The red marks on your arms are more than likely either bruises from getting hit or "indian burns" from your opponent trying to grab you.

Long Live the Fighters!

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Whenever and ALWAYS

if your body is worrying you after practice, go ask your instructor and go ask a doctor. Maybe you could weather it, but in the end it could just end up hurting you.

<> Be humble, train hard, fight dirty

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