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Defense against School Scuffles

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  • 1 year later...
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I was bullied in school all the way through. Best advice is to stick up for yourself i know its hard although if you allow people to treat you that way in the long run youll have low self confidence and people will continue to treat you that way. If you look into NLP and propper responses to aggressive behaviour you can stand up for yourself in a non violent way which i think you are looking for here.

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community , against his will, is to prevent harm to others" (J.S Mill, On Liberty; 135)

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  • 1 month later...

My 6-year-old son (just made 9th kyu last week) came home from school yesterday saying, "I used my karate at school today."

My first reaction (in my head) was, "Oh crap...." but once he described the situation, I was so proud of him.

Some kid came behind him and wrapped an arm around his neck. My son yelled out, "get your arm off me!" and when the kid didn't, he elbowed him in the gut, which loosened the arm, and then turned and knee'd him in the gut, which gave him distance (and delivered a "reminder" :D) . He immediately went and told a teacher what had happened.

For a 1st grader to go through that process, I was impressed. also impressed that nothing came of it from the teacher, either.

I was ready to "fight" for him, though, if there was trouble from the school. don't mess with someone's neck...

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  • 9 months later...

I've taken a little time to read through some of the responses so I will keep mine simple. I believe if you make an example out of the first guy, the rest will give more thought to trying you. My dad told me "son only fight if you have to and when you do make it count." I will give my child the same advice. Rules and laws don't stop the people who ignore them and I'm not going to take them into consideration when I feel pushed to that point. I got picked on a lot as I moved around a lot growing up. Sending a couple of kids to th er got my point across and I didn't miss a wink of sleep. The way I see it is I go through life minding and tending to my business and I don't bother anyone. When the point comes that I feel cornered and there is no way out but through you, I will make the paper if need be.

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You should move to a different school or try a home schooling program because no one has the right to verbally or physically attack you. I was maligned everyday to the point I developed a mental disorder in high school. I had to deal with gauche people who were insecure with there own physical defects. Bullies harassed me because of prude habits, jealousy, and because of my athleticism. Gauche people with the puritan mentality (scandal spreading witch burners) do not acknowledge their wrongdoings like in the short story "The Minister's Black Veil" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

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School confrontation suck and school rules are really stupid. A guy tried to punch me with a slow hook punch, I neutralized it with a clinch, and then I did a kazushi (off balancing technique), The consequences was getting one day suspension, and my assailant got several days of suspension. Good thing this situation didn't get my record damage because I was 18 years old.

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I don't care for the way school's deal with bullying anymore, so I have told my oldest daughter, and I'll tell my sons, too, that if you fight in school, and get in trouble there, not to worry about the trouble the school puts you in (punishments, etc).

I make sure to stay informed, and to ask and find out what and why something started. If I feel they are being picked on or bullyied, I tell them to take care of it, kick the crap out of them, take it to them, or whatever. I don't care what the school says, I'll go to the school and discuss it with those in charge. I'll also let them know what I told my kids to do, and take care of things on that end. At any rate, if they are in the right, they won't be in trouble with me.

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I don't care for the way school's deal with bullying anymore, so I have told my oldest daughter, and I'll tell my sons, too, that if you fight in school, and get in trouble there, not to worry about the trouble the school puts you in (punishments, etc).

I make sure to stay informed, and to ask and find out what and why something started. If I feel they are being picked on or bullyied, I tell them to take care of it, kick the crap out of them, take it to them, or whatever. I don't care what the school says, I'll go to the school and discuss it with those in charge. I'll also let them know what I told my kids to do, and take care of things on that end. At any rate, if they are in the right, they won't be in trouble with me.

That's the way my dad was, and that's the way I plan to be as well.

Being picked on in school was actually how I got into boxing. My dad just kept teaching me the 1-2 combo and told me to go for the nose. The average wannabe tough guy doesn't like seeing his blood on his shirt, so it takes the fight out of them quick was his philosophy. Still a pretty good one for scuffles with bullies in my opinion.

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I don't care for the way school's deal with bullying anymore, so I have told my oldest daughter, and I'll tell my sons, too, that if you fight in school, and get in trouble there, not to worry about the trouble the school puts you in (punishments, etc).

I make sure to stay informed, and to ask and find out what and why something started. If I feel they are being picked on or bullyied, I tell them to take care of it, kick the crap out of them, take it to them, or whatever. I don't care what the school says, I'll go to the school and discuss it with those in charge. I'll also let them know what I told my kids to do, and take care of things on that end. At any rate, if they are in the right, they won't be in trouble with me.

That's what my dad used to say too. If anything its the knowledge that I could take it to them if I needed to and not get in trouble was what kept the bullies away. Just being able to walk around with the "come on and try me" attitude stops the one's who prey on the weak in the first place. Obviously bit young for kids myself but if I have any I think this is what I'll be telling them.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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  • 5 weeks later...

I don't care for the way school's deal with bullying anymore, so I have told my oldest daughter, and I'll tell my sons, too, that if you fight in school, and get in trouble there, not to worry about the trouble the school puts you in (punishments, etc).

I make sure to stay informed, and to ask and find out what and why something started. If I feel they are being picked on or bullyied, I tell them to take care of it, kick the crap out of them, take it to them, or whatever. I don't care what the school says, I'll go to the school and discuss it with those in charge. I'll also let them know what I told my kids to do, and take care of things on that end. At any rate, if they are in the right, they won't be in trouble with me.

I like your comment my friend. My dad brought me up like that, unfortunatly my mum was the opposet and thought the best idea was to run away and tell the teacher. The result? i never actually stood up to bullies and i was pushed around my entire school life. Heck i remember the bullies girlfriend even told him to leave me alone... a girl sticking up for me coz i was too wuss to do anything!!

Thank heavens for my Sensei teaching me what i know now. My kids will be taught the above comment.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

~ Napoleon Bonaparte

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