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Defense against School Scuffles

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My bully philosphy is, stand up to them. You don't do you, or him any good if you let them bully you. They'll think they can go unchallenged their whole lives and maybe one day end up killing an innocent person, or hurting someone seriously when they get older, when you could've stopped it by standing up to them all those years ago. If a little suspension is what happens to you both, so be it, better that than the above IMO.

I just transferred to a new highschool last year due to military reasons, and the typical new kid gets picked on. Well, I got pushed around for about 3 days straight until I decided to act. The guy went to push me as he always did, instead of taking it and walking away, I sidestepped, and roundhouse kicked him in the solar plexis. He was hunched over for a few minutes, while I demonstrated that I could easily snap kick him in the face if I needed to. I then I told him that if he would continue his rash and inhumane actions to fellow people, I'd have to intervene and next time I wouldn't hold back.

I know what you're saying...what if he ganged up on me or something. Well, luckily he seemed to be the "alpha" bully, if you would. His friends were bullies but he was the strongest (laughable). They all pretty much abandoned him after that and stopped picking on people, and those who didn't abandon him right away did so after he got his head straight and cussed them out for not helping.

Now, by doing just that I probably changed his life, as well as many others who thanked me because they were harrassed by him and his minions also.

A New Age Dawns

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^ I like that philosophy there Ace!

If someone were to push against me, I would (very quickly) bring my hands down onto his arms (with relaxed hands) which would cause him to be off balance and his head would come forward to me...

On the other hand, I would side step to my left and stick my foot out fo rhim to trip over.... :D

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm surprised that no one on this thread has suggested the best way to avoiding bullies: a group of friends! my high schools pretty rough and I'm a medium height kid (5' 5") so what do i do to escape an inevitable pounding? hang out with friends that are all over 6 feet. I'm always with at least one of them all day just in case one of us gets jumped.

Depending on what kind of school you go to: tell the teacher. In a large school, it probably wont do you any good at all, tho.

If push comes to shove-don't hesitate to stomp him out. and if multiple bullies come your way looking for trouble, run away. You don't want to be the subject of an obituary of a novel called "The Lament of the Kid who got knocked the F out cuz he was trying to be overly brave."

Destined To Bring Light

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Avoid or deescalate confrontation if you can like all the remarks in this thread say. Then, punch 'em quickly in the solar plexus where they will feel it and it won't show. Then it's their word against yours about what happened. Chances are they'll find someone else who's not so feisty. Ace2021 hit the nail on the head.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tef: the problem comes when you are the odd one out and don't have a lot of or any friends.

I haven't read through all the pages (I'm lazy tonight) but I do agree that actual fighting shouldn't be your first option. However, if you've told an authority and it doesn't stop then I justify defending oneself. Go for the biggest guy if you can, or the ringleader, take him out and hope the others back away. From my experience once they know you can hurt them, they back off a bit. Then again, the bullies I know weren't that strong alone.

External training without the training of the mind is nothing

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  • 1 year later...
In karate, Kumite matches are controlled, stopped every time a point is scored, and stopped if an opponent gives up.

At school, kids shove each other, and if a real fight happens, it is not controlled (duh) and often, multiple people gang up on one person.

I am too worried about getting suspended to get in a fight, but how are you supposed to defend against pushing? I often used perry blocks but many times, there are multiple people pushing me in the middle. I don't hang out with these bullies, but sometimes, they follow me.

What's your suggestions to defend against this?

Put it this way , if you show that you know some martial arts and knock down one or 2 of them then they will not push you around anymore.

I think that there is no 1 style , and that to truly become a great martial artist and person you must take information from where ever you can.

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Put it this way , if you show that you know some martial arts and knock down one or 2 of them then they will not push you around anymore.

I don't know; I am not so sure. Many of the people that I know that find out that you know MA, end up wanting to challenge you, to see what you got.

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