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Defense against School Scuffles

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If walking away was so easy, he would have walked away and be the end of it. Protect yourself if needed and prove a point. If the next time anyone tries anything and it's not so easy, they will think twice.

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If walking away was so easy, he would have walked away and be the end of it.

Are you talking about me?

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity."

"We must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."

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yeah but thats slightly different, but in essense i agree - there isnt a huge amount schools can do about bullying in the long term

I think there are measures that can be taken to reduce the amount of bullying. Tougher punishments, for one. Suspending a kid in the 8th grade means literally nothing. It'll never show up on his college applications and it'll probably be nothing more than a vacation.

As for what sort of punishments would be fair and would also deter this sort of behavior...well, I'm not sure.

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  • 1 month later...

Screw tougher punishments! Because of the Zero Tolerance Policy if you are caught defending yourself in a fight you automaticaly get a 3 day suspension. I got in a fight that I diddnt even start and I got 5 days. I guess that means if you are defending yourself and you break the other guy's nose you both get 5 days automaticaly. And you arent aloud to make up the school work you missed! That made my A average drop down to a low B.

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If they are PUSHING me i would slide around them and push them from the back into each other then walk away. But if that doesnt work and you actually need to fight i wouldnt recomend do a million strikes. Maybe just do a couple to each person fairly light. You know, just enough to make them say "Ow, taht really hurt." Just like hit them in the solar plexus so they bend over for like a few seconds and walk away. or just put one in an arm lock and most likely the other people will stop for the moment.

What i would do in a big group is i would just slide aorund and push them into each other and trip them and make fools of them without really hurting them punch except for a couple of light punches to make them bend over for a few seconds so they dont want it to happen again.

However it happens, just make sure youd ont wind up on the ground being kicked and stomped on.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is that this kid is getting picked on and pushed around by MULTIPLE bullies, who may be bigger than him aswell. If you tell them to stop they'll laugh and probably try harder and if you actually hit them (when there in a group) they will most likely go tag team on you. Its hard to give advice when I dont know what the school, teachers, bullies and you are like, but i'd say make them loose interest, dont give them any satisfaction, they'll probably leave you alone eventually, the storm will pass trust me. In the mean time train hard and workout.

"When my enemy contracts I expand and when he expands I contract" - Bruce Lee

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I know alot of peopel are going to be mad at me for saying this probably or think its stupid, but i something i was just thinking, is if people are trying ot hit you at school, just have a little bit of fun and do what you want as long as it doesnt involve seriuosly hurting them or anythign worse than a few light hits, but jsut have some fun and if that means running, then run, or if its dogdging dodge, or blocking block. Just do what you think right.


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  • 1 month later...

Walking away is always the best answer but call me a mommas boy no matter how many thier is or how big they are the on thing that gets me into angry MAs mode is when they make fun of my mom.

If you wash your hands in anger, you never have clean hands

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well use their momentum w/ the push grab bouth of their hands with your arm wrapped around both of their arms under the armpit and pull them foward and elbow strike to the face...that is what i would do!


Student of the Han Method

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's allready tomorrow in Australia" Charles Schultz


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