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For the longest time, I've seen my Sensei take hard shots to the nuts, and stand there and smile.

He finally told us what it was called. I'm not quite sure how to spell it, but I believe it's called gosenchi. An internet search, however, has yeilded no information.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

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Gosenchi? Is that some cup manufacturer?

There really is no way to strengthen that area...

On a more esoteric note, I've heard some Chinese styles do not believe it is possible to send chi to the groin.

Go senchi could also mean "five centimeters", but...

Martial Arts Blog:http://bujutsublogger.blogspot.com/

Go senchi could also mean "five centimeters", but...

I about fell off my chair that time! :lol:

There are stories...true or not I don't know, that if you start training at a very early age (say 4 years old or so) that you can learn to control moving your testes (sp?) up inside your body cavity so that what you're saying might be true. However, I would doubt it very much.

But then again, there are stories about some guys, normally nicknamed "numb-nuts"..... :D

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Only art I can think of that regularly does that kind of stuff is sumo. Part of their training involves getting hit in the groin all the time. Not sure what is hoped to be gained by this, other than a swollen, bruised groin.

As for the jokes, the cup manufacturer comment almost ruined my monitor via explosive water blast. That was my original thought as well. I mean, who doesn't use a cup in MA anyways?

36 styles of danger

I mean, who doesn't use a cup in MA anyways?

I don't...never have, and probably never will. (he says in a high, squeeky voice) :D

My nightly prayer..."Please, just let me win that PowerBall Jackpot just once. I'll prove to you that it won't change me!"

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