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Keying your black belt

Bleeding Lion

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Jason B.

Hendersonville, NC

"I'm not really eccentric... I'm not eccentric unless that means 'crazy', which I am, probably." - Kyoshi Doug Perry

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If I ever make BB I think I'll treat that belt so kind, and be gutted the first time it gets any damage on it!

"They can because they think they can." - School Motto.

(Shodan 11th Oct 08)

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Ive never understood the idea of keying the belt.... just generally it doesnt look like normal wear does it.... i mean ive had my BB for only 2 years, but it gets daily use, and the only wear i can see on it is around the not.... and it looks pretty much the same with my instructors whos had his since he was a 1st dan and is now a 4th [9 years] - so ours seems to last a while... although at comps i have seen people with really "worn" and ripped belts, i dont really get it.... i dont think anyone really looks at them and goes "WOW they must train hard". oh and congrats on the sandan at 18 im trainign for my 2nd degree [tkd] and ill hopefully be 20 when i grade for it [ 9 months time]

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Yeah I have heard of people keying, sanding, wire wooling their belts, it is total disrepecful, and should they be really wearing it, if they do that. I put mine down one and some one picked it up and started skipping with it I flipped my lid.

My dad left his at the hall one (hes old and fogetful mind) and the play school who used the hall during the day cut it in two, CUT IT IN TWO, for teh children to place fire men, he had been wearing the belt for 20 odd year, he was deverstated, they said they would by him a new one. Yeah £4.50 from the local spoerts shop,

sorry for the rant.

Yeah i agree with you all its not on.


oliver willison

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Those evil playschool people. :x I would hav cried my eyes out if that had happened to my black belt (although I hav not yet gained black belt).

Back to the subject I beleive that people shud earn there respect in other ways other than making there belt look tatty.

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If I see someone, running around with a belt that looks like it's been through a losing fight with a lawn mower...

Then I look that person dead in the eye, so I can get a GOOD look at a disrespectful sot that shouldn't be PERMITTED the HONOR of wearing ANY martial arts apparel whatsoever.

Even the white belt, deserves to be accorded proper and gentle care at all times.

A tattered belt and uniform is only an indicator that the person doesn't have any pride in themselves, their art, or the work that goes into EARNING the right to wear the uniform and rank.

If my belt starts to fray even SLIGHTLY... I buy a new one... PERIOD.

Same goes for my uniform...

I didn't get Taekwondo out of a dumpster or shredder, or out of some second-hand clothing shop...

And darned if my uniform is going to look like it came from a shredder, a dumpster or a second hand clothing shop.

There's only one right color for a black belt... BLACK... and it should look SHARP, just as the uniform should...

And the SHARPNESS of the uniform and belt... should be MATCHED by the SHARPNESS of the black belt who takes pride in their study.

"Tournaments are the least important aspect of martial arts..." Pat E. Johnson--Technical Advisor and "Chief Referee" for the Karate Kid movies.

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I think it's interesting about mentioning "Skipping" with the belt. My sensei will freqently ask us to take off our belts...and skip them! We have to do ten jumps, then fold it in half, do ten jumps, fold it in half again and do 10 more jumps! Then we've also used our obis as whips, seeing if we can snap a bottle of water off the shelf. It's a good way to practice quick backfists. Then, we've also learned how to do throws and holds using our belts.

My feeling is that one shouldn't scrape up their obi to make them look used and worn, but it's also not some holy object. If I can use it to help me further my training, why not?

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