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I took kung fu and wing chun when I was 12. I didn't like it then my neighbor offered me Ninjitsu.

To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

-Sun Tzu, the Art of War

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Well like i said good luck with your training.... im not about ot start an arguement about the pros cons of ninjitsu, i would just say like every other MA on the planet, its not perfect.

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i know lol.... i think a lot of people get hung up on wanting teh best [and for good reason] from their training. But as everynoe says - its more down to how you train and the students application to the training.... train hard and regularly, apply yourself well and just keep going.... the art does make a difference but your methods and training style make teh most differnce.

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equal amount of importance on the internal as the external, on the soft as the hard, on the round as the strait, on grappling as standup, on individual attack as multiple attackers, on sport as survival?
These are to a great extent conflicting aims - unless you have a huge amount of time to spend, by focusing on one you partially exclude the other in each pair.

If you really balance your (say) grappling vs. striking training, you'll be a poor grappler compared to someone who grapples all the time, and a poor striker compared to someone who strikes all the time. Hardly perfection.

Currently: Kickboxing and variants.

Previously: Karate (Seido, Shotokan, Seidokan), Ju Jitsu, Judo, Aikido, Fencing.

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I can't tell you the perfect art but if you find one then I will find the flaw.

How ever I can tell you the perfect, hidden, secret to the martial arts.

You ready?..........Its called.................


Yep thats right thats the most over looked and best kept secret to the martial arts consistant, quality practice thats the key.

seems simple huh? It is, but so many people over look it.

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Its funny just drilling, and drilling some more and drilling some more. working each time to make the move better. alot of peoeple like to theroize though.

Every one has those guys no mater what art. where they like to talk more then practice. It can be even talking about the moves but they talk,talk,talk and waste theirs and there training partners time when they don't spend enough time driling.

Don't get me wrong discussing the techniques is good for learning but if they do it to much then all they got is intangible ideas.

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i will start by saying that perfection is inpossible to achive, so you all know that feeling when your working towards something and when you get there you seem to be bored because you have nothing left to do then you should aim for perfection because you will never reach it so you will never run out of something to do.

as for a perfect art it cant exist, as i said perfection is inpossible.

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil~Exodus 23:2

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.~Lao Tzu

And mankind is naught but a single nation~quran

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