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My critisism of NHB/mma events

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If you are a striker learn to grapple,or at least how to defend from a grappler. If you are a grappler learn to strike or defend from it.

I don't train for the ring,so I don't have to worry about either.I just focus on those that would do me or my family harm.These are usually just hotheads with no training anyway. :)

A blackbelt is not the beginning,it's a piece of cloth,that's all.

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Yeah, but train all you can train anyway, coz you never know what you are up against in the street. He can pull you down as an accident, so learning how to get back up fast and how to escape IF he grapples you ain't a bad idea. I do not say learn grappling, but look in to the basics of it and learn some "knowhow" of it. Many socalled hotheads CAN fight and even more so, they have expiriense from real fights very often and know how they respond to fear..... Do you know how you respond to fear? They have often learned one, two or maybe tree techniques VERY vell and use those ALL the time and know how people react on those techniques....... And by streetfight I don't mean a after school brawl..... :brow:

If the first lesson was a failure, then you know that skydiving isn't for you!

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The best self defense is avoidance and awareness. I don't go out on the streets looking for trouble or put myself in bad situations. I have experience from "real street fights",but I'm smart enough not to get into them anymore. :brow:

A blackbelt is not the beginning,it's a piece of cloth,that's all.

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Sometimes trouble comes looking for you...

I was 15 and simply walking down my street to get my dog who got lose from his pen, it was maybe 11:00 at night or so and three older boys jumped me and it was all I could do to subdue one kid and run home. You just have to be prepared, if those kids would have been trained I could have been severely hurt or worse so, yeah

I don't train because maybe one day that fight will come looking for me again, I train out of passion and love for the martial arts, I always have. But it's still nice to know I have a heads up on what's going on

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are of little matter compared to what lies within us."


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I think any fighter should learn the alternate to his style grapple / strike even if its just the basics..... but then there are many arts which combine the two.

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Whats fish hooking? I've heard this phrase often but never understood what it refered too. Why is it illegal in nhb events?

Sticking a finger in someones mouth and pulling their cheek like a fish hook. An example would be fish hooking someone someone who is on their back to setup a punch they cant get away from.

Proabably illegal because If your gona allow fish hooking then it's not fair for biting to be illegal...If someone tries to fish hook me they will loose a finger or most of it atleast :)

anyways yea..its a move like biting or scratching that dosent really requie technique and anyone can do it thus it's illegal.

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Proabably illegal because If your gona allow fish hooking then it's not fair for biting to be illegal...If someone tries to fish hook me they will loose a finger or most of it at least :)

No they won't. If they have you fishhooked you won't be able to move your mouth into position to bite him because he has control of your jaw. And it can rip apart the lining in your jaw if they yank hard.:bawling:

Tapped out, knocked out, or choked out...Take your pick.




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Proabably illegal because If your gona allow fish hooking then it's not fair for biting to be illegal...If someone tries to fish hook me they will loose a finger or most of it at least :)

No they won't. If they have you fishhooked you won't be able to move your mouth into position to bite him because he has control of your jaw. And it can rip apart the lining in your jaw if they yank hard.:bawling:

Your talking about using two hands/fingers on each side right? The type Tank did was only on one side of the mouth and that is what I was refering too.

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