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When we aren't out and about though, the words "Hey come over here I want to try something out." have been known to cause panic. :)

lol, same here :) i say it to my brother and he very quickly backs away...

actually considering that all but one of my friends are in Martial Arts, this is not really an issue (and that other friend is a 400m runner and understands the need for dedicated solitary training)

If you have just read the above message and agree with it then you may worship me as the best thing since sliced bread.

Of course if you don't agree then hey, i'm a crazed lunatic and you should ignore my insane ramblings.

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When I started MA I didn't really tell anyone for the reasons mentioned. Now I just don’t care who knows, I mean I love MA, and it will always be a part of my life, so all the comments, "show me some moves, hiy-ah" I just ignore them. I do not tend to bring it up in subject, but if someone asks me some questions I would be more than happy to answer any questions. I also found out that quite a few people do MA, but they don't really take it as seriously.

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If you're still in public school, i'd keep it secret, especially from teachers and the school. I've heard stories of people in public schools studying martial arts, being attacked, doing something mellow to harmlessly defend themself without injuring anyone (such as a block to a restraint), and being expelled for using "fighting with potentially lethal force". Since you get physically attacked on such a regular basis in public school - more times in one semester than you will experience over the rest of your lifetime, I would estimate - it's not worth the risk.

Once you're out of hell, it doesn't matter so much.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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This a shame to have to hide that you do martial arts, that's especially true for karatekas. At my age I don't care to tell anyone I do Judo, but for seconadary school students that is a different story because you might very well get picked on by bullies. I admit I wouldn't go into a bar and yell out I DO JUDO!! because surely some goons would try me out!! :roll:

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I usually try not to mention that I do karate, unless I am interested in being friends with the person I am talking to. In that case I give them my email address, which is karatechick@.... LOL so that kind of gives it away.

I used to practice my katas in the park when my brother would play baseball. It was boring sometimes, so I'd get all into my katas, and all sorts of people would drive by "hiyah"ing and etc. "You go girl!" And other such comments. I ignore them, or I laugh. Sometims you can't help but laugh. I remember one kid asked me if I was doing Kung Fu, and I said no, it' was karate. He replied with "Kung Fu is better." And I was just like, "Well, whatever you say buddy." He was like 10. :lol:

DORKS HAVE MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm in higschool and it can be trying sometimes. It came out that I was a blackbelt because I did a performance in a production. The crowd liked me 540s and flips and all that good stuff. But, everyonce in a while I get a "I'm not messin with im he's a blackbelt" and "Hey show a karate move". Combined with how highschool boys are insecure and fell the need to prove themselves, it can be very frustrating.

If i had to choose between karate and everything else, I would choose karate so i could beat up whoever made me make the decision and have everything else

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I don't make any secret of the fact I do martial arts, but I don't mention it unless it comes up. Usually the only reason the topic comes up with strangers is if they make reference to my brother, who has apparently gone off and made it known he's a karate student. Of course, then they find out about me in martial arts....none of them will just leave me alone, either. So what if I'm a girl in karate? *sighs* The horrors of high school....Although I do generally now have a response to "show me karate". "I am, I'm not bashing your head in from anger, am I?" They don't like me very much, it hasn't helped since I was already labelled freak and made very unpopular. Oh well. Such has been most of my life.

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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ive also noticed that when i was 15, 16, people had more negative comments than when I got older. i think younger people just like to talk trash

Exactly! And unfortunately some don't outgrow it.

"The wise and successsful will always be met with violent opposition by mediocre minds."

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I had a friend who thought that karate "looked cool" but was not practical in a real fight. I just ignored him, until he tried to test me. I didn't use full force, but he decided to pick a fight with me, and in less than 30 seconds he was down on the ground. (gotta love the ouchigari take down)

"Daniel-san! Daniel-san! It okay lose to opponent,

must not lose to fear!"

~ Mr. Miyagi ~

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My school mates stopped taunting me when I launched a kick stopping about an inch from a lads throat.

People are so easily afraid, most feel intimadated thats why they have a go. To prove they can have you, so they can feel safe again. I just laugh at them. :lol:

My friends also feel they have to tell people that I'm a black belt, especially girls. Like they get some kind of reflected glory.

Got to say that JusticeZero is right, at school people do want to have you out. When my school found out I won my first British championship I got people shouting 'hiyah' at me everywhere. Football team mates wanting to fight me and then me laughing as they nursed a bleeding nose (I didn't laugh really). It was mostly people joking around but you get a few idiots.

"There are no limitations only plateux, and once you reach them you must not stay there."

--Bruce Lee

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