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So I ended up talking 2 one of my korean buddies he said the korean military uses TKD; and the navy seal only trains in HKD and nothing but HKD is that true..?

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I do know that the Korean military trains in it. I have also heard that the U.S. special forces are trained in it. However whenever you hear any military group trains in "only" one style your source it almost certainly wrong. They train in many styles, specifically what does work and get rid of the rest.

Getting a blackbelt just says you have learned the basics and are ready to actually study the form as an art.


I would imagine any special forces group would not train in a certain style - they would probably use the training tecnique from many styles - along with other stuff - remember they wouldnt be training to "defend" themselves in quite the same way we do - so i doubt they would practice something you could look at and say "yeah thats defintiely [insert MA here];".

Also you hear a lot of stuff going round saying "[special forces from country x] practice [insert MA here]" - i always question those sorts of claims specially if it continues with "and only that MA" - why would special forces of any level limit themselver to 1 style - as we all know all styles have some sort of flaw....


You are correct. I know a warrant officer in the SF who said they really aren't trained in any particular style. If they want specific training, they go and hire an instructor. But they aren't mandated to do much because they work as teams, and not individuals. You'd probably never get close enough to harm a SF guy before they blow a half dozen rounds in your gut.

It's happy hour somewhere in the world.


yeah self defense - "point + shoot" lol.... although i wouldnt really want to get up close with one in all honesty...


Seems like, when I was still attending a dojo and teaching, about every six months or so, some old guy would show up and watch a class. Then afterward he would explain to us that he was trained in [insert deadly style here] in the military. Sometimes they registered their hands as deadly weapons, sometimes they stopped training so that they didn't have to register their hands. I'm sure that everyone so far is right, the military doesn't care about loyalty to a style, they are probably more interested in getting the best stuff from several styles.

I can't speak for the Korean military, but I imagine if they do train in Tae Kwon Do, it's probably a lot different from what you'd see down the road at "Butin's Tae Kwon Do Black Belt Factory"


Well, if you grow up in Korea, you get TKD as your gym class in school (at least you used to). They also have compulsory military service for every adult male. Now, this information is a bit dated, coming from a friend who went through this 30-odd years ago, but he told me that the compulsory term was shortened if you got a TKD 1st Dan (I guess to make you more effective? I dunno.) from 5yrs to 3. That, or he may have been saying that acheiving 1st Dan in TKD was required to be released from the compulsory service (he's hard to understand sometimes, and my Korean is worse than his English). It makes sense, though, since they can call any and all adult males back into service at any time (happens in Europe, too - think Switzerland, they even let you keep your gun so they won't have to reissue you one!).


Yeh TSDforChrist heard the same- that it used to be in the curriculum;

And the thing bout swtizerland which is funny.

Id imagine as i said that any army doesnt train in a recognizable style - just whatever works - self defense in their case is completely different, and commonly irrelevant as far as the law goes... they're training with completely different aims and looking at different skills and applications

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