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Getting older.

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Wow! Great thread. I just read the whole thing LOL.

Anyways, I'm only 32, but I've had my fair share of injuries. It's starting to catch up to me, too. I've hurt both knees (left one was/is worse), ankle, my back, and left hip. None of which happened in MA, excpet the right knee, and back.

I know it's catching up with me, because I can't do certain things in MA that I used to (jump kicks, my kicks are getting lower, ect). Plus I REALLY notice my left knee is getting worse on wednsday when I kinda over did it snowboarding and my knee started to hurt that night. What I mean by "over did it" is I don't usually stay on the mountain for more than 3 hours. I was there for 4 and a half hours. Not much longer, but enough to pound my knee (I just don't see how some people can do it for 8 hours on top of an injury .... Heidi ;) ). Plus I'm still a rookie (at snowboarding, that is). Which means stressing my knees to stay on the board instead of my butt LOL.

But I love it. I got that feeling when you first start MA, and you get addicted. I got the same for snowboarding. And I don't want to quit either MA or snowboarding.

So my idea (like others have said), I modified some stuff. I don't do jump kicks (or very rarely anymore). I don't push myself too hard if I'm hurting, ect. And I don't plan on being a super star in snowboarding either. I just want to "free ride" (which means just crusing down the mountain and not doing tricks and such that often ... better for the knee).

Laurie F

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That sounds like a good plan. You are getting wise in your old age! :wink:

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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baronbvp wrote:

cleung wrote:

Why not take up weapons as you get older? I find them quite fun and much less demanding on my joints (as long as I don't clobber myself with them that is).

That is a good idea. I may do that, but I'm really not interested in training with legacy, traditional MA weapons such as Okinawan farm implements. Gun, knife, etc defense interests me - modern day weapons. Using a cane or umbrella to defend would be interesting. But I would most likely start fencing again before I did any other weapon training.

Knife defense, and some Kali/Arnis training might be up your alley, if you can find a place. That is what I have always wanted to do. You may also want to look into the Combat Cane. That weapon is legal to carry, and they make some very stout, nasty ones. Just something to think about!

I just found a new place I will check out in detail this week. Actually, I followed a link on KF and found it. It's only a few miles from my house - what are the odds! :lol: I went there yesterday briefly with my wife and it looks like a great school. The combat curriculum is JKD plus American kickboxing, submission grappling/shootfighting and kali/weapons. They even do Tai Chi Kung.

I believe it's only $80/mo. If so, it is cheaper than the other school I am considering. Here are its websites:



Might be a good solution for an old guy. :karate:

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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That sounds like a good plan. You are getting wise in your old age! :wink:

Thanks. But I'm not old! LOL. My body feels it, though. But I'm NOT giving up!!! I did snowboard yesterday on the bad knee. But it was on powder (soft snow). Much better on the knee. Falling was a lot more forgiving, too.

Laurie F

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That's why I train in a martial art that does not require me to be stronger, faster, younger. A martial art that actually enables you to get better with age and not worse. A martial art that helps my health and body and not messes it up. It's called Wing Chun.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced similar physical deterioration. I’m forty-nine and have developed arthritis in both knees and feet. The Doctor says that the two things I love to do most (karate and wakeboarding) will are not long in my future. This really sucks. I don’t feel that old, but the Doc says if I don’t modify my activities I’ll soon not be able to do anything.

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

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I love the way the ref starts the match with the word, "RELAX!"

Love it! What if we started every beef on the street that way!!!! Wouild stop 95% of them before they started. :lol:

'Do not do injury, if you can possibly avoid it.' --Tielo, 6th Century

'A man, as long as he teaches, learns.' -- Seneca

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I just found a new place I will check out in detail this week. Actually, I followed a link on KF and found it. It's only a few miles from my house - what are the odds! :lol: I went there yesterday briefly with my wife and it looks like a great school. The combat curriculum is JKD plus American kickboxing, submission grappling/shootfighting and kali/weapons. They even do Tai Chi Kung.

I believe it's only $80/mo. If so, it is cheaper than the other school I am considering. Here are its websites:



Might be a good solution for an old guy. :karate:

Looks like you have a good deal there, Baron. Best of luck with it. Let us know what the school is like! :karate:

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I'm going to be 30 this summer. If I have encountered any age decline, I can't really notice it because I have more than made up for it by training smarter and becoming more skilled in my art as the years have progressed. I have also incorporated yoga and some pilates into my regimen in order to keep my body toned and supple. The breathwork in yoga has also improved my endurance and relaxation, which has also helped my karate.

One of the things that really motivates me to keep at it is knowing that my karate practice is slowing the ageing process. Would I be in better shape if I were doing this at 16 or 18 than I am at 29 doing it now? Sure. But I know I feel better now than I did when I was 18, and not really doing much of anything because I had pretty much given up on sports. Even when I played sports, I'd get into pretty good shape during my seasons (spring track and fall soccer) then I would be burnt out when the season ended and would decline quite rapidly in the off-season. Karate is a way of life to me and I don't ever want to go back to the way I was without it, physically or mentally.

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world"

-Dave Barry

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That'a a good post. Training smarter is the key.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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baronbvp wrote:

I just found a new place I will check out in detail this week. Actually, I followed a link on KF and found it. It's only a few miles from my house - what are the odds! I went there yesterday briefly with my wife and it looks like a great school. The combat curriculum is JKD plus American kickboxing, submission grappling/shootfighting and kali/weapons. They even do Tai Chi Kung.

I believe it's only $80/mo. If so, it is cheaper than the other school I am considering. Here are its websites:



Might be a good solution for an old guy.

Looks like you have a good deal there, Baron. Best of luck with it. Let us know what the school is like!

Thanks. I will go by this week. I just talked to the guy on the phone. It's only $80/mo and sounds as though it might be right up my alley.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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