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I have bin at my GoJu Ryu Karate School for over 4 years Im almost a blackbelt but now it looks like my family is going to move out of state.

So! My question is what should I do to make my transition to a new Karate school moore pleasent? :bawling:


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I have bin at my GoJu Ryu Karate School for over 4 years Im almost a blackbelt but now it looks like my family is going to move out of state.

So! My question is what should I do to make my transition to a new Karate school moore pleasent? :bawling:

First, let your sensei/sifu/sabunim know that you will be moving. Ask them if they know of any reputable instructors in your new area. Often, a letter of introduction from your current instructor will open a lot of doors.

If there is no school that teaches your style, find out what schools ARE there, and again, check with your instructor and see if he can help you figure out which might be the most complimentary.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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I have bin at my GoJu Ryu Karate School for over 4 years Im almost a blackbelt but now it looks like my family is going to move out of state.

So! My question is what should I do to make my transition to a new Karate school moore pleasent? :bawling:

First, let your sensei/sifu/sabunim know that you will be moving. Ask them if they know of any reputable instructors in your new area. Often, a letter of introduction from your current instructor will open a lot of doors.

If there is no school that teaches your style, find out what schools ARE there, and again, check with your instructor and see if he can help you figure out which might be the most complimentary.


Very sound advice :karate:


Mind of Mencia

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I also agree with the advice offered.

A referral is great. You should also check out some classes at the clubs in your new area. As you have significant experience with your martial art, you should be able to judge better than most if the methods they are teaching are right for you, if they match your goals, if you get along with the instructor(s), if it is a McDojo, etc.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


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Black Belt isn't the destination, but it is a very big milestone that you shouldn't throw away. If there are no similar schools in the new area, ask your current Instructor if you could somehow come back and test for Black Belt. The reason I say that is a lot of schools will ask you to step down a few ranks, maybe even to white belt. If you've been with this Instructor long enough to be near Black Belt and you go somewhere where you'll be required to go back to white belt (which isn't a bad thing), you could miss out on obtaining Black Belt.

Perhaps, if you're really close to Black Belt, your family could postpone the move for a little bit until you test. Maybe you could ask your Instructor what you need to do/improve/learn before becoming a Black Belt and learn it remotely from your new location.

As far as a new school is concerned, you should know what to look for by now. Check out a few schools. I also like Aodhan's advise of asking your Instructor for suggestions or a letter of recommendation. My Instructor is a part of a large group of Instructors, so he can contact many Instructors of a similar style, maybe that's true for your Instructor.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

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I have bin at my GoJu Ryu Karate School for over 4 years Im almost a blackbelt but now it looks like my family is going to move out of state.

So! My question is what should I do to make my transition to a new Karate school moore pleasent? :bawling:

You've gained a black belt in 4 years ? :o

Well in my dojo we don't practise for belts a lot, we are more sparring and doing physical trainings...

Once I saw a tourney where some guys from Russia with black belts lost all the battles against Lithuanians who had only white belts... How could it be ??

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice"

- Samurai maxim

"If you know the art of breathing you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers"

- Chinese adage

You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.

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A black belt in 4 years is not a bad time; especially in the schools where 1st dan is very much considered competant beginner.

A black belt in 4 years - it's very fast. In my dojo we can gain a black belt in about 10-20 years or more because we pay more attention to sparring and competitions.

"Tomorrow's battle is won during today's practice"

- Samurai maxim

"If you know the art of breathing you have the strength, wisdom and courage of ten tigers"

- Chinese adage

You can prevent your opponent from defeating you through defense, but you cannot defeat him without taking the offensive.

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A black belt in 4 years is not a bad time; especially in the schools where 1st dan is very much considered competant beginner.

A black belt in 4 years - it's very fast. In my dojo we can gain a black belt in about 10-20 years or more because we pay more attention to sparring and competitions.

It may seem fast to you but I assure you it is the norm amongst most dojo. :)

Tokonkai Karate-do Instructor


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The norm to get ablack belt is from 4 to 5 years .

Shidokan is more mixed martial arts than a style in itself , don't you agree ???

Moon might shine upon the innocent and the guilty alike

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