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Just like to add that something that someone else also mentioned and that is the fact that contact sparring brings in more reality into sparring. Another important point is that to be an effective fighter one has to balance out his sparring training with the other aspects of karate including kata, makiwara and potent conditioning exercises - both for the body and the spirit.

I would say that if your training has maintained the essence of the art that is karate then your chances of survival in a real situation will be increased immensly. After all what good is having speed and accuracy (maybe from sparring training) to hit some assailant when you don't have the karate power to put him down with that single (or even a second) blow.

Also, the benefits of power are limited when you lack awareness, clear mindeness and the ability to shut out emotion (fear, anger etc.) associated with with a "hot situation".

So sparring has its place in karate training but has to be practised correctly and has to be complimented by the other (more) important elements of traditional karate training which are nowadays forgotten by many martial artists who for the wrong reasons concentrate only on the sparring and competion aspects of this great art.

Use your time on an art that is worthwhile and not on a dozen irrelevant "ways".

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sparing is a best way of preparing for a fight! when your fighting someone. Just think your sparring but just don't think that a referee will stop the fight. the techniques that always hit in sparring do them in a fight only do them harder with full force and and use some illegal moves in sparring. im not saying u should fight like u do in sparring. im saying in sparring you develop speed,distance,etc. the only thing missing is power that's the only thing you should add when fighting.

gyaku tsuki

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Karate Tag :) I like that. It's got a good ring, and it's true. Sparring, no matter how you cut it, is a game. At times it's very dangerous, but it's still a game. Never confuse any game with reality.

"It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenius."

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The whole truth is that in a "Real" fight on the street there are NO rules.

This means that the guy you are fighting may do some pretty nasty things to you. If you do not have a strong mind, as well as strong emotions, not to mention good fighting skills, you will more than likely lose to an experienced street fighter.

If you think someone is just going to stand there "Toe to Toe" with you, you are very sadly mistaken. If you think that someone is going to wait until you are ready, you are very sadly mistaken.

I have seen some very hurendous things in street fights. I have actually watched people take a finger and pop out another persons eye ball right out of it's socket. It was hanging there by the "Strings".

I have seen people intentionally break arms, legs, fingers, noses, and ankles.

My personal favorite is the neck punch. Get hit hard in the neck "Once", and then tell me you are still gonna be able to fight anything!

Then you have the whole other side of this. Just because you win a street fight with one person, does not mean that his brothers or friends are not going to be ganging up on you, waiting for you next time, or come looking for you.

Have you ever actually seen someone get hit over the head with a base ball bat at full force? I have seen it happen two times, and let me tell you here and now, it is NOT something you want to witness first hand!

The act itself is pretty freaky, but witnessing the cunvulsions the victim went through will bring tears to your eyes.

The single most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to NOT brag about knowing martial arts of any kind to anyone. Remember this too... When your friends know how good you are at martial arts, looking at it through the eyes of a non martial artist, they will brag about you to others and the word WILL get out.

The next thing you should do is NOT fight unless it is absolutely necessary to you or your families survival... And even then, fight like your life depends on it, as it probably will!

Just my two cents.

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Ohh, and one more thing,

If you are not prepared to inflict hurendous physical damage to someone, then DO NOT STREET FIGHT!

Sparring will NOT prepare you mentally to do this type of physical damage to another human being... STREET FIGHTING WILL!

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Sparring is designed to be a exercise to help you develop and practice tactics that enable you to utilize your fighting strategies BEFORE you need them on the street. No, it is not a substitute for the real thing but it was never meant to be anyway...it's just another training tool and when combined with other training tools can prepare you well. However, your success in a street fight is not necessarily dependant on your physical prowess as the will to survive factors greatly into who will be the winner. Developing the "warrior spirit" takes place through your training not outside of your training hence the more training tools available to you the better.


"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Another important point is that to be an effective fighter one has to balance out his sparring training with the other aspects of karate including kata, makiwara and potent conditioning exercises - both for the body and the spirit.

I doubt the champions of UFC and Pride do any katas, yet they're the best fighters in the world at the moment.

sparing is a best way of preparing for a fight!

You're quite right, however, there are many different types of sparring.

Point sparring will prepare you for point sparring

Full contact will prepare you for full contact.

Training in one for the other will not yield good results.

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I doubt the champions of UFC and Pride do any katas, yet they're the best fighters in the world at the moment.

Even the UFC and Pride have rules. See some of the previous statements regarding rules and real street fighting.

You know in a way I understand people who idolize televised submission and brawling competitions as the real thing and believe that the best fighters automatically choose to join this competition. Really it's as simple as the best that you guys have seen is what you idolize. And I'll give you the same suggestion I give to everyone who says what you are saying. Save up a couple of grand and go visit Okinawa for a week or two. Go into a couple of dojo's and ask some questions, pay for a few classes, and heck if you really want to find out, ask a few "what if's". You'll learn more in that week or two then you will with 10 years of mixed martial arts training and it will severely reset your standard for what the "best fighters in the world" might be.

I have never heard anyone who has visited Okinawa and seen what they are doing there make any claim resembling what you are saying. And I've known many, since I lived there for 7 years. There is a reason for this.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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But are all "fighters" martial artists?


No, but all martial artists should be fighters.

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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