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we do the same at our dojo but we base the techniques on kata really there is a traditional section and a self defence section that is linked to the traditional section


The key to everything is continuity achieved by discipline.

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Of course it's not! :)

Karate Sparring is basically meant as a work out. On the streets, Karate is good because the arm locks and throws and strikes are quite effective.

Current: Yellow belt GojuRyu, White belt Kabudo.

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If you don't mind me asking, does your school belong to any Shotokan federation or functions under any of the main Japanese Shotokan senseis?

I am asking because I find the description of your training quite unusual from what one generally hears about Shotokan training which has surprised me in a positive way.

we are not under any japanese sensei 's organisation ,the standard of each school varies due to instructer's ability .

basically in our school we emphasise heavily on strong basics to bulid a powerful foundation. once this is achieved then it is easy to adapt to other concepts and ideas .one should have an open mind to training and learning ,not dismiss something if it is not in your sylabus ,

if it works use it !

but training in basics also needs a good instructer ,I myslef suffered as a result of sloppy basics and had to forget my basics which had got me to brown belt level and re-learn the correct way in the new dojo.

we nearly always go back to basics to condition our techniques and sharppen them .the aim is to have a strong root but with flexible branches like a tree .one of still my favourite form of kumite is the basic one attack ,when done with speed and power it is the ultimate test finding out if one's basics are good or not .

never give up !

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  • 3 weeks later...

You need to learn the releases and katas to be effect on the street. If all you do is spar you wont ever learn a release so what you gonna do if man does a bear hug on your from behind or starts choking you or knocks you down and jumps on you?


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a great opinion there. Mind explaining what experiance has led you to this belief?

The only two things that stand between an effective art and one that isn't are a tradition to draw knowledge from and the mind to practice it.

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Since i dont know if thats a comment or a question, ill answer it...yeah if your a good sparrer you'll have somewhat of an upperhand in the fight, but if your not a full contact sparrer, then it could hurt you because your using all these technigues but there is no power behind it, now some people might read this and say, well then they'll just put power behind it, but thats not really 100% right, when someone is used to a certian way to spar, for example, if there school is a soft contact school, the they will be used to pulling punches, this is why it is smart to go to a full contact school, ya see cause karate wasnt invented to be used in competions, it was used to defend someone, and nowadays there is too many schools in it so they can look pretty on stage, and there are other schools that are in it for the money and dont care if they they get there black belts in a year of 50 years, so, in short, you can be a good sparrer, but it all depends on the insturctor teaching to either pull punches, or hit the opponet full on

Martial arts training is 30% classroom training, 70% solo training.


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Pulling punches can give that negative effect, but it can also give the positive effect that it increases your distancing, and maybe thats not a matter in your style, but wher ei go we focuse on chi alot and sometimes distancing is one of the factors in it. If you are focused you can choose to go through them. Also when you are practicing drills you have to make sure you or your partner are trying to hit through you. ONly in sparring do e say you cant really hit them hard. When in drills we say if they fail to block your attack, hit them. I dont know how much that is alike or different than yours but whatever.


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I dont really agree with that particular art.

My Nidan Grading! Check it Out: http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=27140


"Behind each triumph are new peaks to be conquered." - Mas Oyama

Dojo Kun:http://www.diegobeltran.com/htms/dojo/dojokun.htm


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