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This is what we have at our dojo:

-1st Kyu Testing for 1st Dan-

I. Kata

Choice of Empi, Bassai-Dai, Kanku-Dia, Jion, Hangetsu, or Jitte

Required Kata: Heian 1-5 and/or Tekki Shodan

II. Kihon

Step in single punch three times, no count

Step in triple punch three times, no count

Rising block - backfist - reverse punch

Outside block - elbow strike - back spin elbow strike

- reverse punch

Inside block - front leg front kick - jab (same time)

- reverse punch

Knife hand - front leg front kick

- same leg (without recovering stance) roundhouse kick

- reverse spearhand attack

Combination: Step back - front leg front kick

- rear leg front kick - reverse punch

- squeeze back leg forward - jab jodan

- front leg front kick - reverse punch

Combination: Shift forward - lunge punch jodan

- front leg roundhouse chudan - rear leg roundhouse jodan

- back thrust - advance reverse ridgehand

- step back inside block - front leg roundhouse

- reverse ridgehand jodan

Combination: Step back downward block

- front leg side thrust knee level

- same leg (without recovering stance) thrust chest level

- step in punch jodan

Combination: Triple kick (without recovering stance)

- Front, side snap and side thrust kicks

III. Kumite

Semi-free sparring

Attacks and defenses:

Step in punches to chudan and/or jodan

Front kicks

Thrust kicks

Roundhouse kicks


They (testers) also end up throwing in the free sparring against black belts for as long as they want. I've only seen one test.

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I have no idea why a black belt test should nclude basic kihon. The practioner should already have a fairly decent grasp of the kihon by being graded to 1st Kyu. If you are worried about their kihon, watch their kata, especially the early kata as it is kihon related.

I think a lot of clubs waste too much time on kihon repitition standing on the spot or moving forward and back when kata has all the kihon you need. And if the kata doesn't have the kihon you practise, why practise the kihon then?

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I am not sure why anyone would be "secretive" about what goes on during the test (behind closed doors). I thought part of a teachers job was to prepare a student for his test.

Well traditionally, inner dojo practices were always kept inside the dojo. The old dojos were walled in (sometimes with spikes on the walls to really keep intruders out) No one was to discuss what really went on in the dojo to an outsider. This practice has gone on for centuries.

The secrecy of black belt tests is a way to keep that tradition going today. Since black belt tests are arguably the most traditional aspect of a style, keeping them a secret preserves that tradition.

As far as the closed doors, there is a separation between kyu ranks and people testing for black belts. This is also a traditional aspect of the test - for example, when someone is testing for black belt, they are not allowed to speak to any of the kyu ranks until the test is finished. Mainly, its because the black belt test is supposed to be an individual thing.

Also, the job of the instructor is to do far more than prepare someone for a black belt test. Some things are obvious when you test - you know that you will be tested on them. You know that the test is going to be difficult, and you prepare for what you think you will need to know. Like I said before, testing for black belt is an individual thing. You shouldn't need to have someone tell you what you need to know, because in that effect, you would not be preparing for it yourself. (It's almost like cheating)Also, if every kyu rank knew exactly what goes on in a black belt test, it would take something away from the rank when it is achieved.

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Just out of curiosity, what does being hit with sticks have to do with karate?

Absolutely nothing. The same as a 5 mile run, 500 push ups, 500 sit ups or anything else you can do at a gym.

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motions (one steps)

1defense down

2middle attack

3high attack

4defense up

5side attack

6handknife defense down

7handknife defense up

8handknife defense middle

9inside out block

10outside in block

11two fist block middle front leaning stance

12two fist block up

13two fist block down

14two fist block middle cat stance

15side defense cat stance

16reverse punch catstance

17fingers attack

18elbow strike

19handknife straddle leg stance

20back fist straddle leg stance

21front shuto

22palm strike

23spear hand reverse stance

24spear hand front leaning stance

25chop reverse punch front snap reverse punch in 26a reverse stance

27inside out block front snap reverse punch in a 28front leaning stance

29inside out block front snap reverse punch 30reverse punch

and then we do each one of those with specific turning sequences, moving back wards movements and then perform each in every different stance


basic forms 1,2,3

kibon forms 1,2,3

pyn ahn (heian) forms 1,2,3,4,5

basai dai

nihanchi (tekki) 1,2,3


roundhouse front leg

round house back leg

jump double kick

double roundhouse off front leg

jump side kick

roundhouse back kick

step over back kick

roundhouse back roundhouse

jump double roundhouse

back thrust

jump back spin kick

opposite around crescent (inside-out)

outside in crescent

jump opposite around crescent (jump double crescent)

fake double kick

ax kick

jump back thrust kick (mule)

step over hook kick

drop side kick to the groin

jump back spinning crescent kick

running flying side kick

jump spinning outside in crescent kick

self defenses

1.block with an elbow strike

2.outside kidney strike reverse strike to the solar plexus

3.outside kidney strike reverse strike to the solar plexus downward smash to the groin back knuckle to the forehead

4. armtwist front snap

5. armchop neck chop leg trip

6. flying elbow leg trip

7 block kick with a roundhouse

8 escape and counter when grabbed from behind arms free

9 escape and counter when grabbed from behind arms pinned

10 escape and counter when grabbed from behind while walking

11side attack turn around handknife double punch

12 arm break front snap palm strike

13 back knuckle reverse punch

14 counter when grabbed from the front (arms free) parts a,b,c,d,e

15 conter when grabbed from behind part B (expand the chest cavity)

16 scissors take down

17 thrusting club/knife attack

18 over head club/knife attack (figure four)

19 over head club/knife attack (two fist block up)

20 escape and counter from a gun being pointed at you from the front

21 counter with a take down from a roundhouse kick

22 execute a dropping leg sweep off a roundhouse kick

23 escape and counter from a gun being pointed at you from the side of the head

24 counter from a side head lock

plus 6 made up self defenses

hand techniques

ridge hand

back fist

reverse punch

back fist reverse punch

spinning back fist

left and right hand jabs

left and right hand cross over

left and right hand upper cut

sparring/kumite and some grappling

fighting several black belts at once (also known as getting beat down!) -basically to see your skill vs multiple skilled opponents and see how long your stamina and endurance lasts against these odds

2000 pressure points/vital points (supposedly all), but i doubt it

15 mile run to start the test to get us tired

followed by 2-3000 jumping jacks

500 pushups 100 on finger tips, 200 on knuckles

1500 situps

a nice little swim....not sure of length

shoulder rolls

balance feats

breaking one inch of concrete with fist, and palm strike.

blind fold fighting (self defense really but not pre arranged)

weapons : bo, nunchuku, and katana

cutting a cucumber across the chest of a person with the katana(without cutting that person of course)

speed and control drills....ah yes lots and lots of drills.

each one of these techniques is drilled over and over at least 20 times to show that you really have proper technique and understanding of the skill.

also a black belt thesis

usual testing for 1st degree takes 5-7 days starting at 7 am and ending around 430 pm on average.

the student isnt even recommended for testing if it is know that he/she can not perform any of the above tasks....unless of course for some handicap or disability as exceptions. But right now that is all i can think of and remember

That which does not destroy me will only make me stronger

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I have no idea why a black belt test should nclude basic kihon. The practioner should already have a fairly decent grasp of the kihon by being graded to 1st Kyu. If you are worried about their kihon, watch their kata, especially the early kata as it is kihon related.

I think a lot of clubs waste too much time on kihon repitition standing on the spot or moving forward and back when kata has all the kihon you need. And if the kata doesn't have the kihon you practise, why practise the kihon then?

Are you a yudansha?

Kihon is the core, without kihon(the abc), you can't do kata(write sentences), and can't spar(conversate).

Shodan is the first step..it essentially is a test to see if you have the Kihon techniques down to a certain level to move on to more advanced technique and kata.

flowing like the chi energy inside your body b =rZa=

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Just out of curiosity, what does being hit with sticks have to do with karate?

The first Muay Thai gym I trained at had a tradition if you fought and won the instructor would leg kick you the following monday in front of everyone at the gym. You had to stand and take it, good times.

flowing like the chi energy inside your body b =rZa=

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Are you a yudansha?

Kihon is the core, without kihon(the abc), you can't do kata(write sentences), and can't spar(conversate).

Shodan is the first step..it essentially is a test to see if you have the Kihon techniques down to a certain level to move on to more advanced technique and kata.

Yes, I am a 4th Dan and have been training for almost 20 years.

I agree with what you are saying, but having to do all the basics in a black belt test seems time consuming to me. The kata that most schools are going to test you on for your black belt should include all the kihon that you practise in the dojo. If the practitioner hasn't been able to show they understand the basics of kata/kumite/karate, they shouldn't be allowed to test for black belt.

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