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instructing small children

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i have been instructing for about a month the kids in the first class of the day hardly ever listen have tried being more strict and easier on them nothing seems to be working but when my sensai is their they do everythingtheir suppose to an d listen. the kids are between the ages 5-10 maby its just the age but if u have any ideas on how to get them to listen it would help

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Has the Sensei lectured them on this?Do they know they're doing something wrong? You'd probably do better by asking him/her because he knows the children and what works- or observe.

Teach them that their actions have consequences- if they don't listen have them do pushups or sit out for a bit. If you're talking for a while ask, "Do you understand?" or "Any questions?" often to keep them alert.

5 to 7-year-olds I can understand, but 8 to 10-year-olds are definitely capable of controlling themselves.

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What age are you? That can make a huge difference as to how kids respond. If they see you as basically just a bit older than them, they might not pay attention, however they'll pay attention to Sensei as he's an adult.

Also, you have to earn their respect. You have to prove that you know what you're talking about and that you're fair, but wont let them off easy.

What kind of behaviour have you experienced so far, and what methods have you used to try and correct it?

Smile. It makes people wonder what you've been up to.

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Pick the worst one, bring him to the middle of the floor and beat him until he cries. The others will understand your strength and power and follow your every command. :brow:

Seriously though, like my instructor says: "catch them doing something good." Whenever one of the kids does something right, praise them.

"Bobby! What a good front kick! You do great when you focus on raising your knee! Keep it up!"

"Jane! You paid close attention when I was giving directions, you did that last technique wonderfully!"

The point is, you tell them what is right in a positive way, not: "If you don't listen and pay attention you will do pushups." Not that pushups and sitting out are not effective. They definintley have their place, but this approach is effective for kids who don't respond to negative reinforcement.

A Black Belt is just a white belt that don't know when to quit!

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I have been teching kids ages from 4-14 and I am 14, so I know what ur going though. The little kids do not always lesson. If you are a black blet and the other instructors let you give out push-ups, make the ones being bad do those. Sooner or later they will get the point. You cant be too hard on them, remeber they are only 5-10. There still just kids and like to have fun. Doesnt every one? :karate:

Determination + Disciplin + Strength - Fear = ONE BLACK BELT! Do the Math!

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Oh, I know this one. I dealt with it on Tuesday. It was odd. I had a seven year old boy standing in a demented stance, singing the Star Wars theme song, and dancing and bouncing. Really quite entertaining to watch. It distracted my other 9 kids I had to teach the kata to. So, he did push-ups, no problems after that....except from that kid, who went back to the Star Wars thing....

He who gains a victory over other men is strong; but he who gains a victory over himself is all powerful Lao-tsu

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Oh, I know this one. I dealt with it on Tuesday. It was odd. I had a seven year old boy standing in a demented stance, singing the Star Wars theme song, and dancing and bouncing. Really quite entertaining to watch. It distracted my other 9 kids I had to teach the kata to. So, he did push-ups, no problems after that....except from that kid, who went back to the Star Wars thing....

Use the force :D that should do.

Ive been trying to be a friend of kids I teach, instead of being adult intructor. I tell few jokes, I praise kids when they do things good, I praise if they do wrong, but I say something like your technique would be even better if you do little more this and little less that. But sometimes you just have to rise your voice, it tells that you are serious. Yelling all the time does not do good, but sometimes it works.

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  • 3 weeks later...

a few things you need to remember

1. if you rememeber back in school when you had a new teacher or a substitute teacher im sure you and your friends used to mess around. children love to push boundries they love to see how much they can get away with. they won't have much respect for you so you have to earn it

2. your earn their respect by being strict, fair and fun you have to let them know that they can't push you about punish them if they are misbehaving light punishment at first such as a warning then get stronger if they keep on. i usually tell them at the start of an activity that they 2 chances if they play up they get a warning if they play up a second time they are getting punished.be fair all children should NOT!!!!! be treated the same they should be treated as individuals as they are not all the same. be fun enjoy what your your doing have a smile on your face have excitment in your voice. this will make the children enjoy it to. make a prat out of your self now an then. i know that sounds weird but you want the children to feel relaxed with you so if they do somthing wrong that they don't feel as bad. i believe that yes children should have respect for you as there teacher but you can also be their friend too this will make the lessons much more enjoyable for them as im sure they would rather have a teacher they like then one they dont.

Sooner or later they will get the point. You cant be too hard on them, remeber they are only 5-10.

i disagree i am hard on my children i work in a nursery i have the youngest group 2 1/2 yr olds and i admit i can be very hard on them. children need disiplin if you cave into what they want you dont get any respect. you can ask almost all 40 of our children and they will tell you i am their fave teacher and im one of the hardest on them i know nursery school is different to ma but you still need to be hard. the trick is to be hard when you have to be and really nice all the rest of the time. then you will hardly every have to be hard on them as they relaise that they would much rather be good and have a nice you then be bad and have a cross you.

3. PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!!!!! this can't be stressed enough if you want to boost their confidence this is the way to to it, it also makes children feel vaild, almost everyone love to be praised for a job well done. this will also make them want to train harder.

4. never embarrass/ humiliate a child. childrens confidences are so fragile humiliating a child is a form of abuse (emotionial abuse) if you want to get rid of your students then go for it but if not don't do it.

i could go on and on but these are the important ones to remember. like someone else already said your sensei should have a talk with them before you start teaching if he/she has introduced you and said i want you to give him/her the respct you give me they will will start with respect for you.

if you have any children who are really driving you nuts make them your assistant in my experiance if you give a child who has behaviour problems a job like this they will want it and they will enjoy it and they will try their best so encourage them and praise.

just remember to have fun and if the balance of stress becomes more then the joy then you know its time to quit.

Peace :karate:

Ben Martin- Worlds Best Teacher Worlds Worst Speller!!!

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I See The Sunshine But Their's A Storm Holding Me Back.

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One thing that it might be is that you have such a wide range of age in one class. 5 year olds and 10 year olds learn at a totally different level. A lot of instructors make the mistake of thinking that they can teach a complex form to a 5 or 6 year old. When they really need to be taught things in the form of games whether it's focus or fitness. They might be bored and need to just run and jump for a while then redirect them into learning techniques.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When i have a child that is getting silly or playing around instead of paying attention and trying to go along with class I find that they influence the others to do the same.. I figure they are getting board so quickly throw in some fun stuff Our kids love the Obstical(?) courses This gets them moving and active and during the course we add in what we happened to be working on such as..

Start with jumping with one foot threw some rings then an instructer would be at the kid kick and the would do the front snap kicks with the front leg then over to the blockers we do a 4 peice thing ( upper block upper block down block down block) They love this one to see how fast they can get it . Then over threw the tunnel ( LOL there is one that loves to try to slide threw it ) Then up and over the under the poles and then to the other kid kick with snap kick useing the back leg.

and then if they get threw it fast we add on to it Not only are they gettinga work out they are learning how to use there skills as well as listening to direction and I have found that they learn to cheer each other on. and be supportive of each other.

But ofcourse this is with the very young ones.

Love is your greatest power..

Forgivness is your greatest weapon..

Do whats right... becouse it is right.

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