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Just keep practicing. Go in the splits position, and push yourself a little more each day. Hold that position for as long as you can. Or have your instructor or an avanced belt ( basically someone who knows what they're doing) push back on your legs while in the sitting position- I've had this done to me a few times, it hurts but it's worth it. 6 inches is great btw.

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Um, elila already said it nicely. The only thing I would do different is to take a break every 20 counts or so and try to reach that position again (or lower if possible). My teacher tells me that after 20 counts, the muscles reach maximum stretching point and it wouldn't do any good to keep the position longer. Anyway, I'm not saying one way is right and the others are wrong. You should do whichever suits you best. Keep it up (or down? :P), you're doing great.

P.S. do rising kicks too (front and side), they helped me a lot. ^_^

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Don't have people push you, the "hurts" is muscle being torn, and henceforth growing back shorter and with less potential to be stretched. A partner can't feel you hit the end of your safe range.

"Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." - Baleia

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i've deen trying to do the splits and i say the best thing to do is try and go a bit further each day and dont strech to far.

Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil~Exodus 23:2

Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself.~Lao Tzu

And mankind is naught but a single nation~quran

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not everyone can do the splits but your best bet is to read up on PNF stretching (proprioceptor neuromuscular fascilitation) ive tried and studied loads of different types of stretching and PNF seems to be the safest and most effective method

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"do rising kicks too (front and side), they helped me a lot. ^_^"

You practice kicks in order to do fancy splits? Isn't that kind of like practicing strikes to coordinate yourself for better push-ups?

To condemn the art of another is to condemn your own as well. We all have the same origin.

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Well, they complement each other. :)

Those kicks stretch my legs => splits better.

Better splits => kick higher.

In the end, I think being able to do splits is just a result of a lot of practice. And you know what a lot of practice can do to your kicks.

Man, this is like talking about chicken and eggs. :P

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It took me a couple years to get to do the splits, but only after about 4-6 months of intense practice. I'd stretch every day doing 2 stretches plus the splits. The other 2 stretches were these: 1) Kneel down and sit on one heel, extend the other leg straight out at a right angle with the kneeling leg. Stretch forward; switch sides. 2) Same thing, only put the foot you sat on behind or under you, so your shin is on the ground. Stretch forward and to the sides.

Yeah, after 5 months or so I was able to do the splits to the right and left, but not the middle (by the way, which way are you trying to do them?). It helped that I was racing with a sensei to see who could get there first. ;)

When I try to do the splits to the middle, it's not that the stretching hurts, it's my hips! They feel like they're being smashed and ground into my spine, and it hurts like ****. Does anybody else have this problem?

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